the Spirit prompted me: prayer and fasting.
after He showed me my Bible collecting dust on a shelf after i had been enjoying liver shivers and whatnot for months.
He and i did it together. alone.
i never said Pentecostals aren't nice poeple. i said the practices are unbiblical and it is some other spirit.
nothing practiced with this 'gifts' dealy is authentic.
all counterfeit.
but each their own.
thx for asking though.
That's right, ohzone,, to each their own. God HAS given each their own thoughts, and, ways of doing things. Our thoughts are not our thoughts and the only one, besides God, who knows YOUR THOUGHTS that God instills to you is YOU.
So, sure, wouldn't it be hunky Dory IF God allowed us to see miracles, signs, to prove Himself? Sure, but, that's not happened to you so you can't say it has. You can't . Unclefes wants to see someone's miracles God'$ done to them/through them? He can't !
God's (obviously) not shown Him another's thoughts as truth, and, what's more, God says He won't show us others' thoughts.
We aren't extraterrestial beings, we can't have an out of body experience inside someone else's 'gifts' expeeiencing body, LOL.
What do you mean by 'don't think for you, milady, I simply said you are believing in spiritual gifts but not in people's telling experiendes of having witnessed/been of a miracle done through God of another or self.
What'$ wrong with that? How rich of you to beat down my thoughts without explaining yours.
What think then regarding spiritual gifts, my language was care-fully guarded, asking you to put your OWN THOUGHTS down on here, was it not, no?
Anyway, hash tag, hash tag, hash tag , just leave your pentecostal 'spirit' stuff bashing out of thrads because you speak blindly, again, ohzone,, you cannot and do not and will NOT ever be able to truly KNOW another's thoughts and how God is intimately leading their life and their thoughts. It'$ not about you, it's about that person's personal experience with God and to trash their experience just makes you look.foolish, for only he/she and Him are in on it, whatever 'it' is, miracles or otherwise.
So continue your denial of their testimony of gifts in that person's life, and, it could get God to show you, too, signs and wonders and miracle or two around you done THROUGH OTHERS by Him, but, in meantime, your just barking up.the wrong tree continuing to bash an DC trash those who God's used to edify, show His glory through tongues, healings, prophesying, or, whatever 'gifts' means God uses to show the individual . Again, also, to.repeat, I have never spoke in tongues , never prophesied, that I know of, anyway, never healed anyone by God's power working through me, but can it happen? If the God I.serve says it possible, if He wills , I have faith of a mustard seed He can and will use me in this way
By His authority, all will be done