Remember, "Blessed are those who are persecuted, for they...."
I know, i know, persed by fellow believers, really raws my hide, too
Ok, I was typing on a small phone screen earlier and typing those little numbers annoys me almost as much as ohzone does on a daily basis, well, without the persecution, anyway. OH< WAIT! That's stevestephen getting 'that.'
And, not just from ohzone, hang, brother, on the wings of Him who made you, who carries you, carries you, carries you afar to a beautiful place of understanding after having waited on Him to first come and pick you up
Okee, so, yes, what was being said is: How can a woman pastor have authority over me? How can she ever even teach authority over me?
The next woman that teaches she's in authority over me I am going to drop kick to China
Now, listen, humor aside, what about a woman pastor speaking of God's Word to you, now, shhhh, quiet, I want you to hear this ! Listen up
Who is revealing the Word's truths to you? That woman pastor (or, man pastor, for that matter), or, He who reveals ALL truth to you. Ohzone about said it, and, stopped sHort....
The "H" starting word, c'mon, you can say it, get in the zone, autozone. Oh, wait, that's not it, how about get into John 16:13 and you will see the 'H' come to life, you will see the Spirit of truth come ALIVE in your life, and, speak softly, yet, more cutting than any other thing/way/person ever could. Sharper !!!
Green, you are so sharp, sometimes, cutting, even. Mean with your authority !
Am I? I have no authority over YOU just like you have NO authority over me. My God, and, my Lord, NOT my pastor has authority over me. My pastor has zip, nada, zilch authority over me. None !!! Never has and guess what! Never will.
God ! God ! God !
who is the same yesterday, as today, as forevermore, He ALONE has COMPLETE and UTTER sovereign authority over my life. The Lord leads. Follow Him . " follow Me." John 21:22
Sorry, too of all that garble of that quote one more time, I probably made ohzone's brain spin into the twilight zone. Hey, that just might be just the best place for it !

Ohzone, you know i love you, persecution and all, "they (you) know not what they (you) do, I forgive you, of course, for that."

Boy, though, man oh man, is there a lot of forgiving I am always doing for you of others on here, ohzone.
Isn't there a limit, God !!
"No, green, forgive them, 70x7, and, if you don't forgive them, I won't forgive you."
Oooh, Ok, got it, God