So the truth comes out. You are unwilling to admit anything.
lol...oh like anything i said was ever hidden
As I told Abiding and bookends.. Our views only differ because you see daniel 9 as salvic I do not. Since this is the case. we can not agree on things of prophey concerning Israel. You see them all (salvic) fulfilled in Christ on the cross. I see them all (non salvic) only to be fulfilled when Israel repents and turns from their sin and recieves Christ.
ya ya i know.
thats some other christ and some other gospel.
if He didnt accomplish Daniel 9 in full for Israel - it aint salvic for you either.
nothing new here.
thats why we dont agree on Israel.
you dont know who Israel is or when their salvation was accomplished.
i dunno....what does that tell ya.
do you think this guy is going to magically when exactly.
what happens to bring about this great revial thing.
two literal mysterious OT prophet figures who are over in Israel preaching the go....nah.
is it when they see Jesus coming they look upon Him whom they pierced guy wasnt there when he was pierced. plus thats already fulfilled - the Bible said. it happened THEN.
JEWS FOR JUDAISM - Responding to Jews for Jesus & Messianic Jews - YouTube - click these guys supposedly inherited Land because they are beloved for the patriarchs sake.
even though theyll die in their sins for rejecting Jesus.
and they do because they dont believe the patriarchs.
did they take the Land at the Hand of God or by the arm of flesh.
whose flesh.
and theyre not ancient israelites anyways so i dunno why you dont get around to telling me exactly who i need to bless in order to not be cursed.
what makes Israel repent of their sin so all Jesus Work can take effect.
because until they do something grand, His work doesnt kick in.
because you say they are still in sin
ERGO - Daniel 9 was a flop.
ya thats non-salvic or whatever.
since you see Dan 9 as salvic
why wouldnt i EG...thats when
salvation was prophesied and
salvation came to pass just that way.
YOU MUST proclaim (falsely I might add) that I am Dual covenant (jews saved under mosaic covenant gentiles saved under new covenant) or some assemblance of it which is false. Since I do not believe it is salvic. It does not matter what answer I give,, We will not agree. and you will condemn me, which you have.
oh stop....condemn you

i have repeatedly said youre a just swapped the Mosaic Covenant for the Land Deal since you at least know the Law doesnt save.
but you say the Land Deal is both an eternal Promise (impossible since this earth is ending) and at the same time a non-salvic loose end.....k....makes sense (not)
i say your Land Deal nonsalvic promise loose end is causing death and hell.
making it anti-salvic
finally I might add.. Do I believe jews are blinded until all gentiles are saved?
yep....seen ya say a million times.
times of gentiles fullness of gentiles blahblah.
If you would ever read what I post. you would have seen I FOUGHT THIS LIE TOOTH AND NAIL.. with a few people in the last two weeks
ya i noticed.
it always goes like this.
in other threads which you were very active in, and you would not have asked such a question, because you would have known it is not true.