Want to get a little deep in the subject of what a mindset is? There are some of us here,who know fully the power of and in the mind. God's Word teaches us how to train the mind along his Word, For example. ( rom 12:1-2) To set ones mind like an alarm clock comes with much discipline,and practice.
For what good is having a mind that is set if one never uses it? The negitive set is before us each day as we walk or on our jobsite or wherever we go. The world choose to set there mind on that which is only temporal.( 2 cor 5:16-18) Through the trials of life, they set there mind to what problem will happen to them,and they get excatly what they have set there mind to. Many pray to the Lord for help in this area,as if by some miracle he will fix our mind set. This he can do,but we are also required to do our part to!( james 1:22)
To follow the instruction given to us by Jesus in his Word, is having the ability to set ones mind of who we follow.We can measure this mindset by how we act when it rains in our life.( matt 5:45) It will rain! The Service training I received in bootcamp is just the purpose for bootcamp.It is not about learning to follow orders so much as it is about setting ones mind according to the opertaion at hand for the soldier. It takes much discipline and training! So it is with the believer! Please do read the 4 chapters of 2 tim, for how one's mindset can be affected by how, and often one trains there mind in this area.
Training is not once a week at your local church,training is daily, yes everyday of ones life. To many non believers, they are this way because they are to lazy to deal with themselves, let alone others in there life,hence the result! Nothing from nothing leaves nothing!That is the result to that mind set.
However as even many non believers see in the world, when one has set there mind to a desire in ther life,like becoming a great singer,or great baseball player, the discipline required for such a task in made into light, by how they first change there mind towards there goal,and there actions associated with that goal! That no matter how many people tell them it is to hard,or how many mistakes one makes they keep moving forward towards there goal in life!
While many believers are at the malt shop getting fat,in the non mindset of the world, many believers are coming to understand fully the great need to set ones mind on the things of the Lord,and the purpose of becomeing established in that Word! Hence there result! No fear,peace even in a storm,and the ability to not boast to others,but rather show others through the LOVE!!! Of Jesus which carries them to there goal!( 1 cor 9:23-27!!)
For what good is it to others who see another reaching there goal, if that person keeps how they reached that goal to themselves? But to speak in authority to others, one must first be truly established in there mindset.This does take time, and very hard work on our part! When good friends ask you to go to the bar with them,and you choose not to,not because you are better then they are!!But rather because your mindset has a purpose in your life,and hopefully this you can convey to them to do the same.
While it is very true some will leave you as there friend because of this,who is better off? They want to discuss the problems of there day and life,you wish to discuss how through discipline of staying in God's Word,one can truly set there mind in not only becoming free,but staying free through our Lord Jesus! But the action of discipline comes not from the Lord,but from self in the Lord.
We have to be willing to pay the price to have what we so desire! When you ride in an airplane you can ride coach,but in order to ride first class, you must be willing to pay the price to ride there! So it is with the believer. SO!!! I the least of the brethen in Christ Jesus encourage you to pay the price to ride first class! For indeed the ride in Christ Jesus is much more fuller,and more joyful when your mind is set in him,rather then in others, or self!
For my brothers and sisters,one cannot give to others what one does not have to give! HAVE something to give!! Get your mindset upon the Word, so others can receive the result of your belief in your very faith! STAYING free through Christ Jesus because of it! Freedom is established through God's Word but NOT!!!! to turn ones freedom for opportinuity for the flesh!! BUT through LOVE!!! Serving one another!! amen!! ( gal 5:13-15) To love you neighbor you first have to learn how you stay loved by God in yourself!! This is what a mindset in Christ Jesus does! And the result is leading others to recive such a wonderful gift as a mind set in Jesus! Blessing all!