
  • selfdissolving
Truth, when mixed with a dose of untruth, stops being the truth. Worse, it becomes a dangerous tool of evil.
I can't believe people here promote things like physical abuse and adultery as something maintainable. Or think pornography doesn't qualify as adultery when Jesus Himself said thoughts count the same. All such people preaching things like this from their high pulpit need to get continually beaten or cheated on in their marriage to see what these things really mean, and that it's not a joke like they seem to think. Sometimes a spouse may be led to endure even serious abuse but no one I repeat NO ONE except God has the right to lead them so. I assume child abuse which usually goes hand in hand with these things, is also okay? God give wisdom...
If your daughter was beaten to a pulp, her blood splattered over the walls as I know a few women, would you tell her to endure? Really insane, this sort of dangerous advice. Do you even know how many women and often also children get murdered by a violent spouse because even social services don't take it seriously. But it usually doesn't begin like that, it begins with a slap, of course, and then gradually turns into bloodbath.
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Truth, when mixed with a dose of untruth, stops being the truth. Worse, it becomes a dangerous tool of evil.
I can't believe people here promote things like physical abuse and adultery as something maintainable. Or think pornography doesn't qualify as adultery when Jesus Himself said thoughts count the same. All such people preaching things like this from their high pulpit need to get continually beaten or cheated on in their marriage to see what these things really mean, and that it's not a joke like they seem to think. Sometimes a spouse may be led to endure even serious abuse but no one I repeat NO ONE except God has the right to lead them so. I assume child abuse which usually goes hand in hand with these things, is also okay? God give wisdom...
If your daughter was beaten to a pulp, her blood splattered over the walls as I know a few women, would you tell her to endure? Really insane, this sort of dangerous advice. Do you even know how many women and often also children get murdered by a violent spouse because even social services don't take it seriously. But it usually doesn't begin like that, it begins with a slap, of course, and then gradually turns into bloodbath.
Well said, Sister. Marriages are designed to be honored, not defiled. It doesn't make sense to say God would accept woman and children getting beaten, nor expect them to carry on in a marriage that opposes greatly what He says a Godly marriage is. Of course, they should fight for their marriage, never walk away lightly. God does not like Divorce. Perhaps, one shouldn't remarry after, I do not know. Biblically it says no, unless of sexual immorality. This is what I read anyway.

Our Good God loves children, and women too, not just men.
Truth, when mixed with a dose of untruth, stops being the truth. Worse, it becomes a dangerous tool of evil.
I can't believe people here promote things like physical abuse and adultery as something maintainable. Or think pornography doesn't qualify as adultery when Jesus Himself said thoughts count the same. All such people preaching things like this from their high pulpit need to get continually beaten or cheated on in their marriage to see what these things really mean, and that it's not a joke like they seem to think. Sometimes a spouse may be led to endure even serious abuse but no one I repeat NO ONE except God has the right to lead them so. I assume child abuse which usually goes hand in hand with these things, is also okay? God give wisdom...
If your daughter was beaten to a pulp, her blood splattered over the walls as I know a few women, would you tell her to endure? Really insane, this sort of dangerous advice. Do you even know how many women and often also children get murdered by a violent spouse because even social services don't take it seriously. But it usually doesn't begin like that, it begins with a slap, of course, and then gradually turns into bloodbath.
The solution to that problem is to call the police, not a divorce lawyer.

God has always known everything that would come to pass. Yet, he STILL didn’t include those things in his list of reasons to get divorced. The reason why is simple: it is not his will. If it was, he would have said so in Scripture.
Um, sexual immorality is on God's list too, no?
Even in the case of sexual immorality, a person is bound to their spouse as long as they are alive. They are to remain single or else be reconciled to their spouse.

“To the married I give this charge (not I, but the Lord): the wife should not separate from her husband (but if she does, she should remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband), and the husband should not divorce his wife.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭7:10-11

The Scriptures are crystal clear on this issue. The only reason that people struggle with it is because they want to do what feels right to them. Sadly, this often involves creating for themselves a different God with a different will than the God who has revealed himself in Scripture.

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