"Put aside worldly illusions and 'man-mind' imaginations...enter the spiritual realm...
for here shall be found a nearness of Christ our Lord God, and the Holy Spirit shall
be our spiritual connection...no more...no less."
'Praise God'
"Expect not to fully ascertain the spiritual, by relying on your intellect.
By ones own faith and spiritual faculties, for more of the heart shall
be God's 'presence', than from intellectual thoughts. To empty the mind
of all the limitations of material things...God's spirit shall be illuminated."
'Praise God'
"Spiritual serenity shall be one of life's greatest achievements, so long as one
diligently and earnestly strives to acquire this peace within...for it shall surpass
all worldly things...believe it."
'Praise God'
"Let not remorse be a permanent fixation in your life. Learn to accept things
that can't be changed, and learn to change the things you can."
'Praise God'