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  • “To strengthen the muscles of your heart, the best exercise is lifting someone else's spirit whenever you can.”
    'Praise God'
    'Knowledge may be taught...wisdom is acquired by applying the knowledge taught.
    To pass the must learn to apply the principles of the lesson."
    'Praise God'
    "Scripturally, the term salvation means the redemptive work of God to deliver mankind from the consequences of his sin. Therefore, salvation means to be delivered or protected from an impending danger, which in this case, is the wrath of sin."
    'Praise God'
    "One is better able to love people when the storm of the judgmental mind settles, when one shall understand and empathize rather than criticize and condemn."
    'Praise God'
    "So long as religion has its grounding in the physical world, it will continue to foster physical world, negative characteristics in people. It is as natural as expecting apples from an apple tree. Only when people grow to personal responsibility and personal access to God will the spiritual world come alive...this being acquired by
    attitude and behavior...displayed by action."
    'Praise God'
    "A willingness to this not to be taken seriously. For is not being stagnant
    in ones own faith, a hindrance in growing in ones relationship with Christ our Lord God. Sharing our love of God's love shall enhance ones own faith...or not."
    'Praise God'
    "Wisdom is acquired, but with good judgment shall be essential."
    'Praise God'
    "Any act to suppress prayer, wherever felt useful...shall be considered of selfish motives unbecoming of a proclaimed, 'Christian'."
    'Praise God'
    "Spirituality is considered an individuals personal relationship unto God.
    The depth of the inner self becomes 'enlightened' by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
    Spiritual harmony shall help relieve some of the anxieties brought about by
    a restless world."
    'Praise God'
    Hey Bingo. How goes it? If, on judgement day, God said to you "You or Hitler must go to Hell forever". Who would you choose?
    But God will not say that.
    'Will have to wait for the 'IF' day.....we know not who may be present."
    "A man's moral worth is not measured by what his religious beliefs are but rather by what emotional impulses he has received from Nature during his lifetime."
    'Praise God'
    "The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance, and even our very existence depends on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to our lives."
    "And though we have physical traits, talents and attributes; it is our spiritual composition that makes our character and affects our soul and salvation."
    'Praise God'
    "Selfishness shall always be a hindrance of enjoying God's love."
    'Praise God'
    'Spiritual maintenance is required for spiritual survival."
    'Praise God'
    "I am old the grace of God, I have been moved into an experience
    of a 'RENEWED' life."
    'Praise God'
    'Never doubt that spirit unrest brings cause of worldly unrest. The Holy Spirit
    requires daily maintenance, for a calm within allows better harmony with worldly things."
    'Praise God'
    "The 'flock' shall be scattered to and fro when 'Shepherds'...there are none suited
    for the task. Many have a calling, few shall be the chosen."
    'Praise God'
    'With a spiritual attitude, never doubt the power of God's 'inspiration' in your life."
    'Praise God'
    "Let us be reminded today and each day, to have God's 'presence' with us
    in our coming and going."
    'Praise God'
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