It seems a very strong lack of faith not to put all in our Father's hands, including our knowledge for there is the knowledge from our Father and what is calaled false knowledge.
I did mention being followed about campus by a Phd. in Psych. Actually besides my friends in the Astrophysics department, again Phd's, all of the graduate students who frecuented the Illini Union were somehow drawn to me, and I was continually conversing with them until the HOly Spirit entered into me, and after they would ask me of the experience. I discovered each one of them, all had taken up psychology due to each's own problems, finding the fact they were students of psyichology some kind of cathartic remedy yet ignoring the fact that the problems yet continued.
I had the same expereience with a practicing psychiatrisst who would dfrecuent a café where I would dgo for coffee near the Chateau de Vancennes in Les Bois de Vincennes in Paris. He would seeek me telling me how he became a Psychiatrist because of his own problems. At one time he had wanted to kill his morther, a hooker in the presence of a priest and the priest. These folks all seem to have greater problems then those who put their understanding and lack of understaning in our Father.
If this faith is challenging the field of psychology, fine. I am the same with Astrophysics, oh, and with geologic theory. I cannot be blamed for understanding, nor can ayone else.
If individuals wish toput their faith in dthese factions of the creation, I will not fault them, but I cannot take these fields seriously.