Today, I got my first haircut of the year. For reasons unknown this always seems to be a traumatic experience for me and I tend to put it off as long as possible. Sort of like going to the dentist. That visitation is coming too. Sometime down the road. It's not a matter of priority but rather based on my tolerance for pain. My last trim of the hair was some time ago being the day after Christmas last year. It grows fast.
Admittedly, I am a procrastinator. It seems that to affect a positive change in me is as hard as pulling teeth. This must change. By the grace of God and with the love, support and understanding of my wife it will certainly happen.
To be honest I was starting to look like a hippy. A little long in the tooth. Not a flower child or power to the people type of hippy but getting a little shaggy and ragged otherwise. Getting my hair cut was my wife's idea. She is the brains of this operation. In fact, she insisted upon it and she came with me to make sure it was cut to her liking. I don't blame her, it's as she says, she just wanted me to look like her stud of a man.
Even though I'm employed she told the girl to cut my hair to look like I'm ready for a job interview. My wife says that I now look a whole lot better but she may need to touch it up a bit when she finds her little scissors. Put on the finishing touches.
Now I'm looking at the new me. I tend to reinvent myself every few months or so out of necessity to survive and to stay on top of the current situation. Gotta go with the flow. Or maybe it's time to change the dynamic. Anyways, I feel better. I feel like a sharp dressed man. Maybe I'll even start to thrive. It's been a long time coming.
Power to the people.
And the sign said "Long-haired freaky people need not apply"
So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why
He said "You look like a fine upstanding young man, I think you'll do"
So I took off my hat, I said "Imagine that. Huh! Me workin' for you!"
Admittedly, I am a procrastinator. It seems that to affect a positive change in me is as hard as pulling teeth. This must change. By the grace of God and with the love, support and understanding of my wife it will certainly happen.
To be honest I was starting to look like a hippy. A little long in the tooth. Not a flower child or power to the people type of hippy but getting a little shaggy and ragged otherwise. Getting my hair cut was my wife's idea. She is the brains of this operation. In fact, she insisted upon it and she came with me to make sure it was cut to her liking. I don't blame her, it's as she says, she just wanted me to look like her stud of a man.
Even though I'm employed she told the girl to cut my hair to look like I'm ready for a job interview. My wife says that I now look a whole lot better but she may need to touch it up a bit when she finds her little scissors. Put on the finishing touches.
Now I'm looking at the new me. I tend to reinvent myself every few months or so out of necessity to survive and to stay on top of the current situation. Gotta go with the flow. Or maybe it's time to change the dynamic. Anyways, I feel better. I feel like a sharp dressed man. Maybe I'll even start to thrive. It's been a long time coming.
Power to the people.
And the sign said "Long-haired freaky people need not apply"
So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why
He said "You look like a fine upstanding young man, I think you'll do"
So I took off my hat, I said "Imagine that. Huh! Me workin' for you!"
so let me get this straight.
You went from this

To this

Yup I can see the benefits of getting your hair cut. Lol