Ramon, you do make me wonder since you do seem to judge easily all who play video games to not entering heaven. If you are the kinda person you truly say you are, as we are not to get distracted playing video games, and do other things one likes to do in real life for own enjoyment. As we can't watch movies either, since that is also a lot of wasted time, we can't read other books if not being the bible, we can't do sports, etc... Same as the pc, a lot of wasted time is used on here checking whatever things you are interested in, easily to getting addicted even to the pc in general, not always needed being a game at all. I would beleive you should be living as you talk, and then you wouldn't even have a pc, nor a tv, nor books, nor anything else that might waste your time during a day.
If you want to have good Christian examples in front of you, start looking at the way persecuted Christians live their lives. Some of them might not even have time for spending time on the pc because they are too busy with doing what God has in mind for them, many of them are flaming so much for Jesus that they wants to tell everyone about it.

Yet, God has also different plans for each one of us. And yes, we are to be doing what God has in mind for each one of us. Yet, it is also something between us and God. If God sees that the way we spend our days is a form of waste and He wishes us to use it differently, I personally beleive He will tell us through our consciousness, and make us feeling aware and guilty about the wrong time spending. And this way to make us focuse more on whatever He puts in our hearts as missions and for own growth in God.
Though, I do also think it is a bit too harsh saying all that play games will go to hell. God knows what is in every heart, and if a person might be in a form of comfort zone because of having a really difficult time with him/herself, but still being a Beleiver, still seeking God in short terms, and then decides playing some video games 'cause a way of getting off bad focuses etc... God might allow this, and still keep on looking at this guy/girl as His precious and loved child.