If you get into a true discussion on this subject it may offend many. First let me point out that the tongue spoken on the day of Pentecost in the upper room by the disciples being filled by the Holy Sprit, was understood by everyone that heard them speak, no matter what language they spoke or nation they came from, Acts 2:6-8. The key is that it was understood by all that heard it. There was no need for an interpreter. This is the same tongue that will be spoken by God's elect when they are delivered up before the Antichrist, (Satan claiming to be God, II Thes 2:3-4), to testify against him and expose his lies, with the Holy Spirit speaking through them. (Math 10:16-20, Mark 13:9-11, Lk 12:11-12). This testimony will be understood by every nation and language in the world just as it was on the day of Pentecost. Only God is able to do this.
If you compare this to the tongue spoken in the churches that say you must speak in tongues as proof that you have the Holy Spirit, I ask you one question. Is it understood by all that hear it, as in the day of Pentecost. Does something take over your tongue and your eyes roll up as you speak, why your brain is wondering what is going on? Not sure what spirit this is, but truly, what is being said is not understood, thus it is not the tongue spoken of in Acts 2. Something else is going on.
If you consider the gift of tongues mentioned in I Cor 1:14, understand what it is speaking about. If you go to a foreign country to preach the gospel, they are not going to understand you because you don't speak their language. In this case you must take an interpreter with you to translate what you said. The gift of tongues in this case would be if you were able to learn and speak more languages than the one you grew up with so that you could be a more effective communicator. I hope this reply doesn't offend anyone but rather drives some deeper into God's word.
If you compare this to the tongue spoken in the churches that say you must speak in tongues as proof that you have the Holy Spirit, I ask you one question. Is it understood by all that hear it, as in the day of Pentecost. Does something take over your tongue and your eyes roll up as you speak, why your brain is wondering what is going on? Not sure what spirit this is, but truly, what is being said is not understood, thus it is not the tongue spoken of in Acts 2. Something else is going on.
If you consider the gift of tongues mentioned in I Cor 1:14, understand what it is speaking about. If you go to a foreign country to preach the gospel, they are not going to understand you because you don't speak their language. In this case you must take an interpreter with you to translate what you said. The gift of tongues in this case would be if you were able to learn and speak more languages than the one you grew up with so that you could be a more effective communicator. I hope this reply doesn't offend anyone but rather drives some deeper into God's word.
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