Sister, maybe put a post it note in your head "GODJUSTLOVEYOU" because that is truth no matter waht troubles any of us go through, for I tell you:
John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In
theworld ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have
Truth is no one is free from tribulation here on earth, no one, yet Christ has overcome this world for us by the resurrection, and I guarantee you, none of us combined together could experience more trouble that what he did for us, and by his stripes Sister you are healed, knowing you have treasures in heaven
I remember when my conscience seared me, I had troubles I needed to face head on. I had remorse in something I had done, and the person I had done this to, had no idea it was me. Now for years it was on my mind to go and confess this wrong that I did, and battled over whether to be truthful, when this person did not know.
So one day I knew I had to face this truth and tell it to this person, what I had done, it was not easy to face this truth, but I finally did as led, never forced, just led, I finally faced it head on
When I did tell this person the truth, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the freedom that overwhelmed me, beyond words, not even thinking about whether or not this person would forgive me or not, not even a thought of that, for I was now standing in truth, and it mattered not to me whether this person forgave me or not, and I was ready to pay whatever penitence this person might ask of me.
Anyway, this person did forgive me, and said to me what they saw in me when I confessed, they said they saw the freedom that overwhelmed in being truthful to what I did not need to be truthful to, since this person did not know what I did
And I said yes, but I knew, and I today am now free from what I did wrong it is no longer hidden, and even if I were not forgiven by you, I am by God, I did this in response in thanking God for forgiving me
And I sought out everyone I harmed in my life that I could to tell them, what I did was just no right and am ready to pay for them as they wish
Anyway that was just me and who God showed me to be, and to walk in truth and not hide, as everyone is learning this truth from God and this truth manifested from these verses:
Matthew 5:23 Therefore if thou bring thy
gift to the
altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;
Matthew 5:24 leave there thy
gift before the
altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy
Now my Brother did not have ought against me for he knew not what i had done, Now just imagine for a second, if I never told him truth, and one day he found it out not by me, Would I pay or should I pay for it?
Mercy we have been given, Mercy we saw give and ask for you think? If one wants to be free yes I think so. you?