Just because you mention something off-hand, doesn't mean everyone is going to go research it on the internet to the nth degree until they are an expert on it -
just so they can add something to the conversation.
If a less-knowledgeable-than-you person engages you so that they may learn from you - or, if they simply want to make conversation (happens a lot on here) - how about being a little more patient with them...
I can understand you telling someone that they should "do their own research" or "go educate yourself" if it is the thread topic and they are trying to get you to tell them volumes of information that they could familiarize themselves with on the internet.
(Yes - the thread topic is gun-related - but, it is not specifically about reloading ammo.)
However, when what someone posts essentially amounts to just wanting to converse on the topic in a not-too-deep fashion (and, especially if they are trying to learn something) - instead of "shooting them down", how about -

converse -

help them to understand it better (if not too involved, or you feel like being nice

) - instead of telling them how dumb, ignorant, or stupid they are.
If you feel they need "correction", there are certainly more edifying ways to do it...
"Just sayin'..."