I'm a very dramatic person aren't I?
The truth is..
I'm not really a hard person to please,
you could practically destroy me entirely
or make me wait for an eternity
which may destroy me who knows
and it would cause me frozen bitterness
but the hardest stone of my heart
against you crumbles to nothing
when you let me know you love and care for me.
I will say every thing on my heart and it won't end
things gets harder every day
more and more lonely
sometimes it feels like
you are just messing with me to be cruel
but I think I realize your side of the story
so I try to be strong for you
I know none of this is easy at all for you
I write you every day, and I try to keep
myself away from desperation moments
of over writing and that is tough.
Sometimes its cruel, sometimes its encouraging
I hope mostly that its encouraging,
sometimes its frustrating to you I know
I wish I could hold onto you.