In Singapore, hewas raised a muslim. He is not a fiscal conservative (quadripled the deficit in one year) and he is selling off our nation to foreign nations like China and Japan. Mandatory healthcare is not the solution when it will be rationed out to those who need it more desparately (elderly). I could go on and on but I will stop there.
It would help if you got your facts right.
He was educated, for a short time, in a Christian school in Jakarta, the Capitol of INDONESIA.
A totally seperate country to Singapore.
He has not quadrupiled the deficit in REAL terms at all, you watch too much Glenn Beck. I also note that you didn't provide any workable alternatives to Obama's policy. Or are you just basing your rant on personal dislike?
Mandatory healthcare is an accepted policy in nearly every developed Western nation, and whilst having its faults, it works fine.
Having lived in the US, and all over the world, I can assure you that the US health care system is well below par. Unless, of course, you have the money for insurance.
Isn't it a basic Christian principle to look after the needy in our society?