Yeah I can definitely see where you are coming from with those opinions, I know I wanna say the last 5 years, my Dad has been trying to stress the importance of Christmas with Jesus’s birth to all of his children, including my step and half siblings. But as you said, everyone is different because my Dad still likes to write gifts as “Being from Santa” on some of the gifts I get. Plus, I gotta be careful around my 7 year old half-sister, because my dad and my step mom told her about Santa and I can’t “spill the beans” as it were and say that he isn’t real, but I honestly don’t see myself doing that because I don’t want to ruin her joy in believing in Santa.
But yeah, I knew I was really stubborn into believing Santa, well into my Middle school years and my dad basically had to convince yell at me that he isn’t real, in a way to grow up and be an adult. So in a way I do understand not telling your kids about Santa and other fictional characters.
I honestly don’t know if I will have children, I’m only thinking of trying to make friends at this point, but maybe I’ll tell them just because I remember liking Santa and still feel this sense of happiness when Christmas time comes around, but if it seems like it might not be good idea, then I might be more cautious, I don’t the future, only the lord knows the future ^_^
But yeah, I knew I was really stubborn into believing Santa, well into my Middle school years and my dad basically had to convince yell at me that he isn’t real, in a way to grow up and be an adult. So in a way I do understand not telling your kids about Santa and other fictional characters.
I honestly don’t know if I will have children, I’m only thinking of trying to make friends at this point, but maybe I’ll tell them just because I remember liking Santa and still feel this sense of happiness when Christmas time comes around, but if it seems like it might not be good idea, then I might be more cautious, I don’t the future, only the lord knows the future ^_^
You know what is portrayed in movies is pretty unbiblical but people suspend that and get swept along in the adventure of it all...I've found that it's not just fun and games but I think it's probably best to leave it up to the Lord how other people see it for now. The enemy certainly isn't gone so of course we should be mindful and put on the full armour and pray without ceasing not just during the "holidays" but in general for sure. So long as people aren't justifying sin more because "it's christmas" or putting it on a pedestal or idolizing I think most people that's alright for a time.
Oh and I totally feel ya on overthinking. I haven't ever felt like I was overthinking when people told me I was (and they have a lot over my lifetime) but there are times where you don't have enough information/maturity and it's like trying to understand Algebra 2 when you are in pre-Algebra sometimes. So it's important when you feel like you are at a mental "brick wall" to quit butting it and "table it" for later. Like filing it away in a filing cabinet
I ofc mean the above statement from personal experience ha.
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