There was a time in my life when I would have had trouble answering this question , debate.
Then one day my children were playing in our front yard, I was sittng on the porch, when a woman came running from between a wooded lot and house, she saw me and ran strait to me begging for help.
Her face was split open from her forehead down to the tip of her nose, the bone exsposed, she was also covered with many bruses and cuts.
I quickly sent my children up to their rooms and called 911.
As I tended to her injuries, prayed and tried to calm her she was in absolute fear her attacker would show at any moment.
I knew right then, that if the man came near our home I would not hesitate to use the gun we had then to protect her and my family.
I realised that she and we did not choose to be attacked, but this man had chosen to bring this attack upon her, and if he chose to persue further injury to her or my family I was responcible to protect them.
I know many will debate this decision, I would have as well at one time.
But once one is in the situation, one's choices are made clear, and to protect is made clear as well.
I am greatful that the man did not show, and soon police and medics arrived.
But just as we battle evil in prayer , scriputre, by faith in Jesus.
Sometimes we are called to protect against a physical threat with a physical responce as well.
I hope I will never have to use a gun to protect, and pray for this as well.

But I also know that if able, I will not allow any attacker to bring harm to the innocent.
God bless