Says "No judgment!" about her handwriting... wants me to make judgments based on her handwriting...
There's quite a lot of information there and I don't have time at the moment to submit a proper "analysis." Also, I'm not a pro, so cut me some slack LOL. Here's what I've got at the moment...
For starters, you're both blatantly right-handed.
AZ's handwriting is plain as day female student handwriting (late HS through recent college graduate). There is some attention to attempting form ("l", "y", "g", etc, are looped and flowy for fun, aesthetic reasons), but it's not strict or formal at all because most students don't practice their hand... and even if they do, don't have time to use form when they do write x). Frequent use (usually from school) and age has resulted in a steady hand, and therefore unstrained letters without quivers in them. Probably a med. writing speed.
Tintin, I suspect your note was written med. to med-slow speed? Form = clearly important to you. It looks like you've looked at some older handwriting styles and possibly borrowed from them for your own? Modern school-taught cursive, even when it's crossed over with print like your's is, is normally more looped than your handwriting is, but that could just be because you're a guy. Some guys don't like the rounded letters and loops (your "g's" and "y's", for example) as much as girls do, in my experience (it's probably not "masculine" to do that

). It looks "post-school" - fairly well-developed style, but looks like it hasn't been practiced as much lately?
Mine thoughts.