Segment 1 Per The >> 3 Part RECAP on Page 11 <<:
(Part 2 of a 2 Part Post)
In >> SEARCH RESULTS << for dystopianoracle the following website came up featuring "dystopianoracle" participating in a reddit group, talking about her favorite religion "Taoism": The first post at the top, upon entering the group presented someone referencing an Occultist by the name of Allan Watts, who's videos are made available on YouTube for anyone involved in the Occult; While searching for posts authored by "dystopian oracle", the >> search results within the reddit group << search results yielded the result of an advertisement for her blog, along with her reddit profile which led me to her posts: >> HERE!! << Immediately I recognize Illuminati symbolism in her profile pic, with the one eye symbolism of the covered right eye with the lightning bolt referencing Lucifer/Satan on the lense of the left eye; The lightning bolt symbolism is also very common within the inner-circles of the Illuminati, along with the Satanic Aleister Crowley theme of writing in reverse: (This is too much of a coincidence for me, as I have suspected @SoulWeaver as being coupled with various observations, not to mention that I had already called her out as being a Witch. These observations, along with the presented findings only establish, to me, that SoulWeaver is a highranking Illuminati Witch; the other picture, in her reddit group is of her false Jesus representing the Antichrist.); For those of you, that have an untrained eye for Illuminati Symbolism, I will include some links in another post that can aid you in quickly getting up to speed on how to readily detect and spot these types of things.
While there is nothing explicitly incriminating in dytopianoracle's immediate post results, the photo couple with the advertised Gnostic themed website of her blog is more than sufficient evidence of her religion blending actions under the guise of Christianity. **There are a number of Occult groups on Facebook that includes "Zen Christians" and "Buddhist Christians" where each has blended the antichrist religions of the temples of idols into their own cult.
"TobasaurusWrex commented on
The Search
•Posted by
4 points · 4 months ago
For me, the point is in the pointlessness of it. Like Allan Watts said "he who goes to a psychiatrist aught to have his head examined." "
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by dystopianoracle in taoism. TobasaurusWrex 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 month ago . In my experience, separation from attachment and desire stem from acceptance that existence is fleeting. Energy cannot be created, nor destroyed; but the form of energy is in constant flux. By removing attachment, I accept that now is the only time that I will ...
(STAY TUNED FOR Segment 2 Where we will begin to break down the root of this Occult deception!!)
(Part 2 of a 2 Part Post)
In >> SEARCH RESULTS << for dystopianoracle the following website came up featuring "dystopianoracle" participating in a reddit group, talking about her favorite religion "Taoism": The first post at the top, upon entering the group presented someone referencing an Occultist by the name of Allan Watts, who's videos are made available on YouTube for anyone involved in the Occult; While searching for posts authored by "dystopian oracle", the >> search results within the reddit group << search results yielded the result of an advertisement for her blog, along with her reddit profile which led me to her posts: >> HERE!! << Immediately I recognize Illuminati symbolism in her profile pic, with the one eye symbolism of the covered right eye with the lightning bolt referencing Lucifer/Satan on the lense of the left eye; The lightning bolt symbolism is also very common within the inner-circles of the Illuminati, along with the Satanic Aleister Crowley theme of writing in reverse: (This is too much of a coincidence for me, as I have suspected @SoulWeaver as being coupled with various observations, not to mention that I had already called her out as being a Witch. These observations, along with the presented findings only establish, to me, that SoulWeaver is a highranking Illuminati Witch; the other picture, in her reddit group is of her false Jesus representing the Antichrist.); For those of you, that have an untrained eye for Illuminati Symbolism, I will include some links in another post that can aid you in quickly getting up to speed on how to readily detect and spot these types of things.

While there is nothing explicitly incriminating in dytopianoracle's immediate post results, the photo couple with the advertised Gnostic themed website of her blog is more than sufficient evidence of her religion blending actions under the guise of Christianity. **There are a number of Occult groups on Facebook that includes "Zen Christians" and "Buddhist Christians" where each has blended the antichrist religions of the temples of idols into their own cult.
"TobasaurusWrex commented on
The Search
•Posted by
4 points · 4 months ago
For me, the point is in the pointlessness of it. Like Allan Watts said "he who goes to a psychiatrist aught to have his head examined." "
overview for TobasaurusWrexYour browser indicates if you've visited this link
by dystopianoracle in taoism. TobasaurusWrex 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 month ago . In my experience, separation from attachment and desire stem from acceptance that existence is fleeting. Energy cannot be created, nor destroyed; but the form of energy is in constant flux. By removing attachment, I accept that now is the only time that I will ...
(STAY TUNED FOR Segment 2 Where we will begin to break down the root of this Occult deception!!)