I thank God then that Light is the fastest of all
because satan is very crafty in his skill, overcoming even the strong ones
Soul Weaver Abilities
Spirit BladesYour sword is flung from your hands by the bandit's strike. As the bandit walks forward you ball your hands into fists. In an instant, bright blue lights glow from your hands. As you look down at them, you see that your hands have disappeared, and in their place are two long blue blades
Auras: Starting at 3rd level and at every 3 levels after until 18th level, a Soul Weaver gains an Aura, a resonance caused by a Soul Weaver's life force that strengthens their Soul Weaving abilities and prowess. All available Auras are listed below with their effect. Once gained, an Aura cannot be replaced or revoked.
"A soul weaver is a magician who walks the line between life and death as a master of both. Evil or good, necromancer or shaman, a soul weaver may be any or none of these for their discipline transcends such distinctions. A soul weaver seeks power and hidden knowledge through communion with the dead and is often more at home with the deceased than the living. Much is demanded of a soul weaver, but the rewards can be worth the effort. The power a soul weaver draws from their command of souls is great, and there are worse things a soul weaver can do to her enemies than simply kill them.
Role: A soul weaver is a master of healing or death (often both), and a summoner of allies. While often physically weak, their ability to raise, empower, and dominate the dead make them a welcome addition to most adventuring parties."
Forum - Witch - [Ascendancy] Angryaa's SRS Spectre ...Your browser indicates if you've visited this link
Your only class option is Witch. The Necromancer Ascendancy is uniquely suited due to the power of Mistress of Sacrifice and Soul Weaver. As with all my builds, they are built and tested in HC. Gear: The items for this build are quite specific, but very cheap