Formatted and re-posted for @planitsoon
Sorry but this post is longer than I anticipated.
There are two approaches to health from what I see. One is to give the body the natural building blocks it needs to repair itself by using what God provided for us in creation, and as close in it's original wholesome form; the other approach is simply to suppress the symptoms of the illness with patented pharmaceuticals in the hope that the body will strong enough to kick in by itself but with often added bad side effects that are damaging for the organs as people cannot always properly detox from the chemicals.
In the case of vaccines; adjuvents like aluminium (to create a stronger immune response), mercury (to preserve the substance), polysorbate 80 (to emulsify it all and penetrate the blood brain barrier) and of course human tissue, from aborted baby lung tissue and all sorts of animals DNA are not always
(easy) to get rid off. While they know that for example sun light gives two thirds of our energy levels (food only 1/3) for the mitochondria and sets at sun rise our cardian rhythm; builds all our hormones between until 10am via the melanopsin (UV receptor) in our eyes and skin and that our lungs after the lungs is our second most important breathing organ, I don't believe for a second that God intended the skin to be penetrated with a needle (going straight through our biggest organ the interstitium).
I do believe that our mouth is the entrance to put things into the body. (btw - see brain surgeon dr. Jack Kruse who teaches on the physics that is the foundation for biology, in his talk "Vermont 2017") When substances are injected straight into the blood stream, there is a higher risk for things to go wrong, especially because when it's an unnatural substance like mercury (the second most toxic metal in existence after uranium). It will mostly bypass the liver and kidneys, Gods filtering organs. While we get methyl mercury through the eating of fish, the form that is injected is ethyl mercury and studies have shown that it reacts much faster to get to the brain especially when the bbb is opened up by polysorbate 80.
In this polluted world where heavy metals have been the biggest health threat since 1974 and are present not only in vaccines but also in our air, water and food supplies, it is no wonder that people are getting sicker and sicker. As we age the mitochondria slows down and with that the elimination of things in tissue and bones. Tumors are often also full of heavy metal and mental illness is often contributed by these metals.
In 1986 Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act as pharmaceutical companies were sued over and over but could now be immune from any litigation. The "Vaccine Court" as they call it in laymen's terms, which now has paid out 4 billion USD for vaccine injury and death (of which Hannah Poling was a famous one as she received 1.5 million for becoming autistic) to the meager 1% of all reported cases. All illness goes hand in hand with inflammation as as this is the bodies first reaction to injury, including brain injury, so the name encephalitis or brain inflammation is probably more appropriate than the term autism I believe.
Why do they allow to have only 2 part per billion of mercury in drinking water; when it's 200 pbb they consider it a toxic hazard and we need hasmats but they think it is perfectly safe to ad 25.000 ppb in flue shot? When our second child was vaccinated, my wife was asked to wait in the waiting
(area/room) for 15 minutes for any possible reactions, and yes, within 2 minutes our sons eyes gla
zed overoff and we never got him back they way he was. She immediately ran in the doctors office and they just had dropped a flask and was told, stay away, this is dangerous. My wife saw it was the same they used for our son so she said:" I have to stay away and you just injected my son with that!!?. He has a massive reaction!!. "He will be fine she was told". !!! Right. It took him many years to detox and recover from this damage.
Then because we were just ignorant and you do what everybody seems to do, we then took our third son for his shot who had an even bigger reaction and ended up on the spectrum. He is still not healed, now 16 years old. I learned that many people have a DNA defect called the MTHFR gene which causes them to have chelation problems so their bodies react worse than others who have a fast redox and good working mitochondria.
The name anti-vaxxers is more a smear name than anything else! Most of us were pro but due to injury we became ex-vaxxers. I think that Jon Pollings, the father of Hannah Pollings father, who is also a neurologist, will think twice to vaccinate his child again.
Anyone studied Edward Jennings, the father of vaccines and how he lost his own son and the boy of the neighbours? Vaccination also doesn't equal immunization. These two are not the same. They add the aluminium to create a stronger immune response and then look at the extra white blood cells the body makes in the process to proof it is working but, the same would happen if one injects a cancer patient with say, the HIV virus. The body will create extra white blood cells to start fighting the assault. In the end this all comes down to Pasteur's germ theory which is a half truth. Pasteur claimed that bacteria are our enemy but if that was true then everyone should get sick when exposed to it. If a sick person walks into a room of 12 you often find out that not everybody gets it.
The difference is the immune system and internal gut-biome, which is full of bacteria. Bechamp was correct at the time by pointing out that it is the health status of ones internal bacteria household that determines if a bacteria can make us sick or not. Big Pharma unfortunately is because of this germ theory mostly focused on getting rid of whatever is deemed dangerous and disregards the fact that our bodies are made from the earth and that the closer a substance is to it's original form, the easier it is for the body to absorb and use it. (bio-available)
God didn't forget the immune system nor is illness a deficiency of pharmaceutical drugs. Nothing has changed since Medieval times. The witches back then are still the naturopaths and herbalists of today and those that prescribed urine, arsenic, and mercury are our modern so called physicians and haven't changed much at all.
In 1685 Charles II what they today would call a stroke. They recorded the treatment here.
Though things have sort off improved between 250.000-440.000 Americans still die every year unnecessary of modern health care
In regards to vaccines..I have read several good books on this topic including: "Dissolving Illusions" from Suzanna Humphries MD who as a kidney specialist started asking questions and lost her career after patients of her often came down with kidney failure three weeks after a certain vaccinehttps://
Then I read "Millers' review of critical vaccine studies (400 studies in total)
Lastly "Thimerosal, let the science speak" from Robert F Kennedy. All three were a great eye opener for my wife and I (especially Dissolving Illusions and to learn about how filthy and unhygienic (like India) eighteen hundreds actually were and then the ten studies that showed that many doctors and nurses don't follow to the schedule and 21 studies that show that most high educated class people are the anti vaxxers).
It was interesting to find that at the time of the polio virus there were six other similar viruses going around like polio, for example the Coxsackie virus, that all could give paralysation but, because there was no proper diagnoses in place everything was just called polio just like the say for most people with cancer that they died of cancer while in truth, most of time the majority dies of the toxic side effects of chemo and radiation before the cancer takes them.
My uncle who got lung cancer from asbestos decided against any treatment and lived amazingly 4.5 years with it but died in agony as this fungus has frown in all parts of his body :-( I tried to reach him but because I emigrated 20 years ago I didn't get a chance. We reversed my wife's cancer all naturally now five years ago with black salve and the use of natural supplements as well but it took radiation protection in the bedroom so the body could repair itself at night and implementing what I learned in my training (taking out the WiFi and isolating the ELF's from the bedroom) to beat it completely. Anyway, that's off the topic of vaccines lol God bless