The Trump Deception
History seems at times to be forgotten. And therefore as news hits the ears, some will be quick to dispose of it as nothing, or believe that it is for the “common good”. While others will hear and see the voice of the dragon a mile away.
" If the liberties of the America people are ever destroyed , they will fall by the hands of the Roman Catholic cult's clergy " General Lafayette under President George Washington
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” (Revelation 13:11)
This beast represents The United States of America once thee constitution becomes void
Donald Trump last week sent congratulations to Pope Francis concerning his 5 year anniversary as being the Pope.
Trump said in his letter the following:
“My family and I treasure the memory of our visit to the Vatican last May. I was honored to discuss with you many of the urgent global issues of shared concern to the United States and the Holy See,”
He said furthermore: “Our conversation underscored the enduring importance of moral leadership in the international community, and of our continued close cooperation as we work to advance peace and defend human freedom around the world,” he continued.
Trump Working with Pope to “Defend Freedom” and “Conscience”?
If it is a “continued close co-operation” to “defend human freedom around the world.” Then obviously it has been going on for some time between Trump and Francis. When Trump went to the Vatican last year, Pope Francis gifted Trump with his encyclical on the environment. Since then America seemed to be the blunt of disaster after disaster during hurricane season last year.
Perhaps Trump may side with Vatican City King , if things continue upon that path. What if Trump uphold his encyclical on the environment , called Ladato si' that calls everyone to keep Sunday as a day to rest . Not only for the family but the earth. Giving the Papacy power over the constitution of the united states and it's people ???
But again, furthermore concerning Trumps congratulatory letter, according to CRUX News , “May 24, Trump and Francis met for their first encounter and pledged their “joint commitment in favor of life, and freedom of worship and conscience.”
Why is Trump working closely with the Vatican to protect freedom of worship and conscience?
Especially when the Papacy is so notorious for failing to respect the consciences of men. Maybe Trump isn’t familiar with history. Pope Francis has come out and said publicly that religion should not be confined to personal conscience.
As of May 2018 Vatican has tried erase this statement from there website but there are many that have spoken upon it.
Regarding Pope Francis view on conscience he has said concerning the orderly development of “a civil, pluralistic society requires” that the “authentic spirit of religion” not be “confined” to “personal conscience but that its significant role in the construction of society is recognized,” said Pope Francis in remarks to the Italian president.
In other words sometimes conscience needs to be set aside for the common good of society.
World Leaders Looking to Francis for Moral Leadership
Not only is Donald Trump looking to Pope Francis for moral leadership, but European Union leaders are looking to Pope Francis to guide them. In an article entitled “Divine intervention! EU leaders will turn to the POPE over plans to revive struggling bloc.” We read that one “pro-EU think-tank official said that, with Barack Obama gone from the White House, the head of the Catholic Church was the “only moral authority” European politicians had left to follow.” Furthermore, we read a quote from leader Joseph Muscat who said: “I do think he [Pope Francis] is the ultimate world leader that within the circumstances has the skills and the vision to say things that transcend the obvious and banalities we all say in politics.”
What does this “moral leadership” or “moral government” involve?
Sunday Rest Defends Human Freedom
This was printed a few months back concerning the recent Poland Sunday laws. Firstly, the title of the article says quite a bit. The article from CBN the Christian Broadcasting Network which I am about to quote from is called “Returning to the Bible, Poland Reclaims Sunday as a Day of Rest”. And I want you to consider carefully what it says remembering that Donald Trump is working with Pope Francis in “close cooperation as we (Him and Francis) work to advance peace and defend human freedom around the world.”
But this event has been in thee works for quite some time , in a article written back in 2012 “ Pope Benedict said that in defending Sunday as a day of rest, one “defends human freedom.””. You can read the link here.
Maybe you want to read that again. Sunday laws “defend human freedom” according to the Papacy, and Trump says he is working closely with Pope Francis to “defend human freedom.” Consider it carefully.
Why are thee american presidents working closely , with a power , that has always in time past persecuted those that did not waiver according to her decree .
Be aware Laudato si ' has nothing to do with Honoring God , but a deception that will lead many into the broad road that leads to destruction. No man made institution can force you to keep a certain day to worship God. For this is a personal decision upon thee believer as The Holy Scriptures has addressed in time past.
Romans 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
Here is thee Papacy encyclical if you would like to read it yourself : Laudato si' (24 May 2015) | Francis
Here is thee Papacy encyclical if you would like to read it yourself : Laudato si' (24 May 2015) | Francis
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