I guess if you are a Jew then do as the Jews do.
I prefer to follow the example of the apostles and fellowship/worship on Sunday, 1st day of the week.
Keep whatever day you like, the real meaning of worship is that EVERY day is a worship day.
I prefer to follow the example of the apostles and fellowship/worship on Sunday, 1st day of the week.
Keep whatever day you like, the real meaning of worship is that EVERY day is a worship day.
Please do not post what is not true. The Twelve Apostles were of the Tribe of JUdah, as far as I know, they were considered dJews.
They worshipped every day and the Sabbath of the Lord dwas always the Seventh Day for them.
Two things are lacking in your post, one, nowhere in the Word does it say the Lord's Sabbath is changed from seven to one, nowehre, and two, nowhere in the Word does it say we must worship on the first day, however we may worship any day of the week.
When you are able to show all that after six days of creation the Lord, God, rested on the first day, I may be able to consider this folly, but until then, God rested on the Seventh Day and gave it to all who would receive it as a special gift to share with Him, our Father.
I may go to church any day of the week, but the seventh day is the same yesterday today and forever for our eternal rest is on that day.
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