Actually no, I call him Donald Trump, since that is his name.
The thing is that you cannot watch Facebook etc for news, then yes, you will get a lot of bullshit. However the things I am thinking of are things I have heard him say in speeches. And therefor they are directly from his mouth.
And no, some of them might not be lies, but I kinda hope they were because that would make him less stupid.
He claims that the EU was made to destabilize America. This is not the case. He claims that the world is laughing at America. That WAS not the case. They do now, but when he claimed it, no, most countries didn’t.
He claimed that America has lower numbers of Corona cases than almost all other counties. He then corrected with “less then the world”, and what does that even mean XD?
He claimed there had been something terrible happening in Sweden one night due to immigration. The Swedes where wondering what he was talking about.
He claims climate change isn’t real even though science says it is. I guess money comes first when it comes to his belief system.
He has even lied about how many floors there are in Trump Tower.
He claimed that the Spanish flu ended the Second World War, even though it ended before the war even begun.
This is not even mentioning all the times he has thrown out numbers because they sound good, and spreading rumors without any proof, something that is very dangerous for a president or any figure in power to do.
Need I go on?
The thing is that you cannot watch Facebook etc for news, then yes, you will get a lot of bullshit. However the things I am thinking of are things I have heard him say in speeches. And therefor they are directly from his mouth.
And no, some of them might not be lies, but I kinda hope they were because that would make him less stupid.
He claims that the EU was made to destabilize America. This is not the case. He claims that the world is laughing at America. That WAS not the case. They do now, but when he claimed it, no, most countries didn’t.
He claimed that America has lower numbers of Corona cases than almost all other counties. He then corrected with “less then the world”, and what does that even mean XD?
He claimed there had been something terrible happening in Sweden one night due to immigration. The Swedes where wondering what he was talking about.
He claims climate change isn’t real even though science says it is. I guess money comes first when it comes to his belief system.
He has even lied about how many floors there are in Trump Tower.
He claimed that the Spanish flu ended the Second World War, even though it ended before the war even begun.
This is not even mentioning all the times he has thrown out numbers because they sound good, and spreading rumors without any proof, something that is very dangerous for a president or any figure in power to do.
Need I go on?
If you cannot speak without being vulgar you have nothing of import to say to Christians who deserve better than a foul mouth which belies a foul mind, in our midst. .
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