The fall of democracy in Melbourne

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Jun 22, 2020
@GandalfTheWhite Remember you said...
I see your crazy Dan and will raise you a more incompetent South African government.

I re-raised you on posts #27 and #28...:p


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2019
It is as if the world has gone mad :sneaky::eek:
Mad, or evil?

Romans 1:22-32
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Jan 25, 2015
@GandalfTheWhite Remember you said...
I see your crazy Dan and will raise you a more incompetent South African government.

I re-raised you on posts #27 and #28...:p
One thing you are "ignoring" is the corruption my friend. It is scary how openly the members of parliament are stealing money from the South African public.

Google SAA bail out just to get started. It is is enough to make you sick....


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2019
@Moses_Young ... Hows it goin mate??? Your Victorian, right?
Lol. No. Fortunately not, in these fascist times. Although I suspect it is only a matter of time before the fascist nature of my own local garrison show their imperial colours.

Your "Chairman" has just granted himself emergency powers, I hear. Perhaps we should be calling him "Emperor"? I'm somewhat surprised the politicians had never taken the time to watch how the republic dies in Star Wars, although I suspect those who voted for their emperor were bought and paid for in advance.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2019
One thing you are "ignoring" is the corruption my friend. It is scary how openly the members of parliament are stealing money from the South African public.

Google SAA bail out just to get started. It is is enough to make you sick....
Plenty of corruption in Australia. They just legalise it and call it taxation, or fines, or levies, or fees. Dealing with corruption, I find the personalised corruption to be much cheaper than the institutionalised kind.


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2014
It is sad and shocking to hear this, but don't forget that Australians kept voting for Leftists to begin with. It is looking more and more like this will happen all over the Western world. Absolutely no politicians who are in office are crying out for a halt to Covid Fascism and a return to conditions before January 1. As to a thorough investigation into the Wuhan Virus Conspiracy, that will probably never happen.
Covid fascism? Yeah, that is an apt descriptive term.

Covid fascism has reared its ugly head in the United States too. That term is an acronym of the politics that are practiced by the Democratic party.

If Biden wins in November, come Jan 20, 2021@ 12 noon, Biden will delegate all authority in regards to an indefinite national lockdown to Dr. Who (Fauci). Wearing of masks 24/7/365 will be mandatory, but the costs of purchasing the masks will, for income tax purposes, be deductible from your gross income. Of course, except for those in power, there will not be any gross income because no one will be working.

Since Walmart, Target and all other grocery chains will be closed each citizen will have to grow their own food from those seed packets that come from China. Either that or starve. The vegetables that are grown may be discolored and funky looking but, in all likelihood, not be overtly poisonous.

Toilet paper will be the official US currency.

Regarding the masks, the only color permitted will be blue as a representation of the Blue States of Amerika.
Jun 22, 2020
One thing you are "ignoring" is the corruption my friend. It is scary how openly the members of parliament are stealing money from the South African public.

Google SAA bail out just to get started. It is is enough to make you sick....
Bro... Daniel Andrews has close ties to the Chinese Communist party... He went against federal orders and made deals with the Chinese government to sell out our workforce... And when asked about it he won't answer ant questions leaving us all in the dark...

Our state makes heaps of money by ripping us off; we have the most cops per population, more speed camera, red light cameras, mobile camera, strictest road laws, most prisons...

I was sent to prison for a bunch of traffic offenses... Prison is for criminals, "oh but..." no buts... Prison is for criminals, not for people who can't pay bills or break a non-criminal offence...

Then you have our cops... Whoooweee... most corrupt in Oz for the last 20 years or more... The lawyer X saga is just one scandalous example... Then there our justice system, sending Cardinal Pell to prison for 400 days before the high court overturned his ludacris sentence. They prosecuted the church and treated him like a scapegoat...

So don't worry... Dictator Dan is corrupt
Jun 22, 2020
it is only a matter of time before the fascist nature of my own local garrison show their imperial colours
Which garrison is that...LoL

I'm somewhat surprised the politicians had never taken the time to watch how the republic dies in Star Wars
Ah well... Im a Star Wars fan and didn't notice the similarity...
They give Palpatine full authority before realizing he is Darth Sidious...
By then it's too late and he gives the order 66 to exterminate the Jedi...

Im fairly sure they gave Hitler his power as well. He became president and chancellor which made him Fuhrer


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2019
Which garrison is that...LoL
I keep it a secret in an effort to avoid unnecessary imperial entanglements. :)

Ah well... Im a Star Wars fan and didn't notice the similarity...
They give Palpatine full authority before realizing he is Darth Sidious...
By then it's too late and he gives the order 66 to exterminate the Jedi...

Im fairly sure they gave Hitler his power as well. He became president and chancellor which made him Fuhrer
Yeah. I think it's the same the world over. Apparently the Roman republic ended the same way. Full authority given to the dictator, and then freedom dies.
Jun 22, 2020
I keep it a secret in an effort to avoid unnecessary imperial entanglements. :)
What... U must be from Tassie...;) Ye it's a very Tasmanian thing to say...
Trying to avoid the perceived imperial entanglements of the mainland... LoL...;)
Jun 22, 2020
Here is the states police commissioner and the hypocrisy that he brings...
On one hand he supports the BLM protests about a social justice issue in America
On the other hand he condemns any Victorians who are concerned about our freedom

Jun 22, 2020
Our cops are pathetic pieces of rotten scum... Now they're arresting people for "inciting protests" on social media... Our lives have been turned upside down and smashed and they want us all to just stay home in fear... NO WAY... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

The same rotten cops encouraged BLM protests about a guy in America, even kneeling down at a BLM protest...
But they have a totally different approach towards Victorians who are concerned about the lives of fellow Victorians...

bandicam 2020-09-03 22-15-09-151.jpg

Shame on the Andrews government... Shame on Victoria police


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2019
Our cops are pathetic pieces of rotten scum... Now they're arresting people for "inciting protests" on social media... Our lives have been turned upside down and smashed and they want us all to just stay home in fear... NO WAY... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

The same rotten cops encouraged BLM protests about a guy in America, even kneeling down at a BLM protest...
But they have a totally different approach towards Victorians who are concerned about the lives of fellow Victorians...

View attachment 220698

Shame on the Andrews government... Shame on Victoria police
Remember Ned Kelly? The Victorian police have been getting away with this for 142 years. I feel like justice may finally be coming for them. Yet, I also wonder if this isn't a trap, deliberately designed to incite revolt, or perhaps to destroy the Federation and Constitution. Either way, if the Victorian Nazi-police and Chairman Dan continue down their current path, there soon may well be many more than one thousand like Ned Kelly...

Eighteen-hundred & 78 was the year I remember so well
They put my father in an early grave and slung my mother in gaol
Now I don't know whats right or wrong
But they hung Christ on nails
6 kids at home & 2 still on the breast
They wouldn't even give us bail

Poor Ned, you're better off dead
At least you'll get some peace of mind
You're out on the track
They're right on your back
Boy they're gonna hang you high

You know I wrote a letter 'bout Stringy-Bark Creek
So they would understand
That I might be a bushranger
But I'm not a murdering man

I didn't want to shoot Kennedy
Or that copper Lonnigan
He alone could have saved his life
By throwing down his gun

Poor Ned, you're better off dead
At least you'll get some peace of mind
You're out on the track
They're right on your back
Boy they're gonna hang you high

You know they took Ned Kelly
& they hung him in the Melbourne gaol
He fought so very bravely
Dressed in iron mail
& no man single handed
Can hope to break the bars
There's a thousand like Ned Kelly

Who'll hoist the flag of stars

We sing
Poor Ned, you're better off dead
At least you'll get some peace of mind
You're out on the track
They're right on your back
Boy they're gonna hang you high

I like this from Wikipedia.

In the dim light of dawn, Kelly, dressed in his armour and armed with three handguns, rose out of the bush and attacked the police from their rear. Several members of the scattered police line returned fire but to no effect as Kelly moved steadily through the morning mist towards the hotel, his armour repelling bullets. The size and shape of the armour made him appear inhuman to the police, and his apparent invulnerability caused onlookers to react with "superstitious awe". Constable Arthur, the first policeman to encounter Kelly, recalled: "I was completely astonished, and could not understand what the object I was firing at was." One trooper exclaimed that it was a bunyip and could not be killed. A civilian volunteer cried out that it was the Devil.

Lol. I think Ned would have had all of those cops, if he'd really wanted to.
Nov 23, 2013
Our cops are pathetic pieces of rotten scum... Now they're arresting people for "inciting protests" on social media... Our lives have been turned upside down and smashed and they want us all to just stay home in fear... NO WAY... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

The same rotten cops encouraged BLM protests about a guy in America, even kneeling down at a BLM protest...
But they have a totally different approach towards Victorians who are concerned about the lives of fellow Victorians...

View attachment 220698

Shame on the Andrews government... Shame on Victoria police
This is coming to America and the rest of the world.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2019
This is coming to America and the rest of the world.
But Americans weren't so stupid to lose their guns, in many states. The Democratic states will fall first, in my view. The trick then is to stop the Democrats fleeing these states from corrupting (i.e. having the right to vote away freedom in) the free states they flee to. One Ned Kelly in Australia was enough to put the fear of God into thousands of police, and the corrupt government of the day. How much more will thousands or even tens of thousands of armed Americans do this to the Communists hoping to take over America?
Nov 23, 2013
But Americans weren't so stupid to lose their guns, in many states. The Democratic states will fall first, in my view. The trick then is to stop the Democrats fleeing these states from corrupting (i.e. having the right to vote away freedom in) the free states they flee to. One Ned Kelly in Australia was enough to put the fear of God into thousands of police, and the corrupt government of the day. How much more will thousands or even tens of thousands of armed Americans do this to the Communists hoping to take over America?
The gun thing puzzles me, you would think that they would've taken guns before implementing this take over. Maybe they knew trying to take the guns would be met with war. All I know is that it's about to explode into full chaos in the United States. Buttons are being pressed that a lot of people can't handle.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2019
The gun thing puzzles me, you would think that they would've taken guns before implementing this take over. Maybe they knew trying to take the guns would be met with war. All I know is that it's about to explode into full chaos in the United States. Buttons are being pressed that a lot of people can't handle.
Lol. Americans, for all the world mocks them, proved too wise, and heeded too well the warnings of their forebears. No number of false flag attacks could cause them to surrender their second amendment right, wisely put in place so long ago. Sad that the same couldn't be said for the rest of the world (to give you an idea, Australia gave in on the first false flag, committed by a retarded guy a week after buying an automatic weapon, with a kill to shot ratio most snipers wouldn't achieve). Anyhow, I think the aim must now be to wear America down, or to get them so scared of a cold that they trade their freedom for safety. I'm hoping it won't happen, but this virus scam has tricked more folks than I'd have thought possible.