So the parents should teach their kids a dead language?
Dead language? I use it daily. Here's an example of how easy the KJV wording is compared to the NASB:
Matthew 9:17 - NASB / wineskins - KJV / bottles
Matthew 1:11 - NASB / deportation - KJV / carried away
Luke 6:22 - NASB / ostracize - KJV / separate you from their company
1 Thes. 2:18 - NASB / thwarted - KJV / hindered
1 Tim. 3:3 - NASB / pugnacious - KJV / striker
1 Tim. 3:8 - NASB / sordid - KJV / filthy
1 Tim. 6:16 - NASB / a pang - KJV / sorrows
Hebrews 7:2 - NASB / apportioned - KJV / gave
Hebrews 12:1 - NASB / encumbrance - KJV / weight
Revelation 6:8 - NASB / ashen - KJV / pale
Revelation 18:1 - NASB / illumined - KJV / lightened