Hey Everyone,
I was talking to a friend in his 30's who was raised in church all his life, but something he said floored me.
He said that in his generation, it's kind of an understood thing that if you go out with someone 3 times, you should know by the 3rd date whether or not you want to pursue a relationship (something serious) with that person, and if you can't see something serious by then it's time to move on, because you don't want to waste your time or theirs.
I can't remember ever really trying to decide after a certain number of dates -- I completely understand the need for some kind of "deadline", if you will, but what are your opinions about when this deadline should be set?
* Do you agree that if you don't know by the 3rd date, both people should move on?
* Should it depend on a certain amount of time, and if so, how much?
* What other considerations would you factor in to know whether you should keep seeing the person or if it was "a waste of time"?
I'm really interested in hearing your answers because I couldn't help but wonder if the proposed "3 Date Rule" was a product of our ever-impatient "Hurry Up, Swipe Left And Move On To The Next Profile!" dating culture.
What do you think?
I was talking to a friend in his 30's who was raised in church all his life, but something he said floored me.
He said that in his generation, it's kind of an understood thing that if you go out with someone 3 times, you should know by the 3rd date whether or not you want to pursue a relationship (something serious) with that person, and if you can't see something serious by then it's time to move on, because you don't want to waste your time or theirs.
I can't remember ever really trying to decide after a certain number of dates -- I completely understand the need for some kind of "deadline", if you will, but what are your opinions about when this deadline should be set?
* Do you agree that if you don't know by the 3rd date, both people should move on?
* Should it depend on a certain amount of time, and if so, how much?
* What other considerations would you factor in to know whether you should keep seeing the person or if it was "a waste of time"?
I'm really interested in hearing your answers because I couldn't help but wonder if the proposed "3 Date Rule" was a product of our ever-impatient "Hurry Up, Swipe Left And Move On To The Next Profile!" dating culture.
What do you think?
A 4th date is like, "yes, so far! Let's keep getting to know each other." It's not deciding to be exclusive or engaged, right? That's why I'm saying, isn't it obvious?
Unless of course I was someone who just dates for fun. Those people are out there. I've dated them. Sometimes they're honest about that, sometimes they aren't going to tell you... or worse, they probably know you're investing serious attachment to them, and they just don't care if you get hurt. And of course the Hedge Bettors... they'll string you along while they're looking for something better.
I'd like to say I never dated for fun... but when I was in college I dated a girl for more than 6 months, mostly because she made things easy, and I was comfortable with her. She never asked to be exclusive, so I suppose I was content to keep seeing her. When she asked me to get engaged the convo lead to me saying I didn't see myself ever wanting to marry her, and she broke-up with me within a few days; and she was upset. If I could go back, I would have told her where I was sooner... that I didn't see marriage in our future.
So I'd say after 3 dates... or after 1 date... if you want to know if they are dating you for fun, ask them.
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