The thing about evolution is everything came about by chance with no intelligence behind it.
So evolution could bring about humans by chance with no intelligence,and also provide them with food,clothing,and shelter,give them the right conditions on earth to live,give them eyes to see,ears to hear,nose to smell,touch,taste buds to taste the food,which evolution by chance happened to make food taste good,and put all of those senses and body parts all in the right place for best looks and functioning,give us pleasure when we are with our mate,put everything in an orderly fashion,multitudes of different animals,plants,trees,water life,birds,insects,and other things,give us intelligence,and many other things.
And all these things just happen to be all by chance.
I do not buy it.It takes more faith to believe in evolution than a God created everything.
Jesus said with God nothing is impossible.So for people who believe God brought about things by evolution,so they can hold unto their belief in Christianity,but believe in evolution because they think it cannot be refuted.Why would God who can create things outright as a whole and not evolution,use evolution to bring things about,and then wait for billions of years to have fellowship with man,when He can start right away,and evolution does not have any meaning to bring about man,when God can create them outright and start having fellowship right away.
It would be like us wanting to have a chair to sit down on,but making it a little at a time that lasted for 50 years,and then sitting down,when we could make it in one hour and then sit down,and what is the purpose and benefit of us making it for 50 years,when we want to sit down now.
God is not going to use evolution to create things,for what is the purpose and benefit of that,when God wants fellowship right away and not wait,and God can create things right out as a whole for nothing is impossible with God.
Evolution with it's everything came about by chance with no intelligence behind it,seems absurd when you look at the diversity and order of things,and God created everything by evolution does not make sense,for God would not want to wait to have fellowship with man,when He can create man as a whole and have fellowship right away.