I've already examined the evidence, and it makes more sense with a stationary earth. Otherwise, how does Polaris ALWAYS stay in the same spot in the sky during the earth's orbit, especially with the earth gyrating around the sun as it flies through galaxies? There are about 68 verses in the Bible that speak of the sun being up, rising, setting, going down, etc.; but there isn't even one reference to the earth moving.
I've been researching the issue for some time, especially Genesis 'waters above' issue and general cosmology. Many ancient scholars and researchers who've studied ancient writings, including the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) conclude many ancients (civilizations around Hebrews, and the Hebrews) may have believed the blue of the sky was literally liquid water, being held up by ice, glass or some other substance. (Something I assume you don't believe.) And possibly that the earth was flat, that the land was floating in the sea that surrounded it. (Here's a few articles you might find interesting 1, 2, 3, 4.)
Isaiah 40:22, if you read the full chapter, and all of Isaiah, we see that verse is poetic praise of God. It may subtlety include ancient assumptions of some, limited by the always growing knowledge of nature; but these are not scientific declarations of God. It's not a science book.
You have Deuteronomy 14:11-18 that appears to declare a bat is a bird. There was no scientific definition or established classification of a bird in that time. Or we have Jesus say the mustard seed is, "the smallest of all seeds on earth". This was His audience's understanding of the day; but it isn't the smallest seed on earth. Was it a science lesson, or a message to His audience about faith? Do you feel the need to deny the known existence of smaller seeds?
Paul writes, "Greet each other with a holy kiss". This was based on cultural of that place and time. Do you feel the need to kiss at church (assuming you go)? Matthew 1:16 reads Joseph the son of Jacob, whereas Luke 3:23 reads Joseph the son of Heli. We aren't to read the Bible like a robot, a simpleton or a science book. Rather the Bible itself reads, "How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity?" "The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out." "To the young man knowledge and discretion—A wise man will hear and increase learning".
Finally, I've read what many FE folks have written on here about what they think will happen if people start believing the earth is flat... "they'll become Christians, stop believing those government' lies and everything will become good." But the obvious question is, where are we putting our faith? In a FE belief, or Jesus and the gospel message? What do you think is going to happen when someone falls for this as a "Christian doctrine" and then discovers through research, as I have, and many will, that the earth is a spinning sphere? They are likely to associate that sting of being fooled with Christianity.
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