In Matthew (6)(9) Jesus (Yahshua) tells his disciples a prayer that begins with, "Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name". The Heavenly Fathers name is Hallowed(Sacred), but his real name never appears in The King James Bible.
The word God never existed in real scriptural texts. The word "God" comes from a proto- Germanic word "Gad" or the European words "Gott, Guth, or Ghut".
The 11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica says this about the origins of the word "God". The common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship... Applied to all those Superhuman Beings of Heathen Mythologies.
The word "God" ,on the conversion of Teutonic Races to Christianity was adopted as the name of The One Supreme Being.
A Heathen, Mythological, Pagan name, was Adopted to replace the name of the Creator of All.
Adopted in this case, means The Name of The Creator of All was Intentionally and Maliciously changed.
Isaiah (42) (8) " I am Yahuah, that is my name, and My Esteem I do not give to Another, nor My Praise To Idols".
This statement by The Creator, Yahuah, places most of the world in an Immediate Dilemma, because the word "God" is an Absolute Idol.
Yahuah says He will Not Give His Esteem, (Praise or Honor) to an Idol. So every time you use the word "God" you are giving Honor and Praise to an Idol.
This is a Direct Violation of the 3rd Commandment, where Yahuah says " You Do Not Bring The Name of Yahuah, Your Aluah, (Mighty One) To Nothing, For Yahuah Does Not Leave One Unpunished Who Brings His Name To Nothing".
Every time you say the word "God"... you not only bring his name to nothing, you exchange His Name for an Idol... "God". This is a direct violation of not only the 3rd commandment, but also a violation of the 1st and 2nd commandments.
Names hold power. They define Identity, Existence and Purpose.
When it comes to the most important name ever, that is The Creator of All, using an inaccurate name isn't just careless, it removes your connection with the Creator and leads you astray.
Salvation is found only through the name of The Father, Yahuah and the Son Yahsuah.
It is crucial to recognize that replacing Yahuah with "God" is no accident.
This is a calculated move, designed to sever our relationship with the True Creator.
This isn't a mistake we can afford to perpetuate any longer.
It is our responsibility to correct this Intentional Misinformation.
Start by calling on the name of Yahuah for salvation, and using the name of Yahuah in your prayers, teachings, and spiritual discussions.
If you are in a position of influence, a teacher, parent, or community leader, this is your call to action. Educate those around you/ (This isn't a minor error). It's a matter of Spiritual Integrity.
You may have lived in ignorance by perpetuating the use of term "God", that not only misrepresents the truth, but it intentionally obscures the true representation of the Creator Yahuah.
This is a call to your greatest Spiritual Awakening. When you say Yahuah, you're acknowledging the name that carries the power to change your life Immediately, and can literally save you for Eternity.
Be a bearer of truth, a vanguard of change. Reclaim and proclaim the name Yahuah.
Throw away the name "God", that cannot do anything for you but mislead you.
Call on the name above all names... Yahuah. '
The word God never existed in real scriptural texts. The word "God" comes from a proto- Germanic word "Gad" or the European words "Gott, Guth, or Ghut".
The 11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica says this about the origins of the word "God". The common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship... Applied to all those Superhuman Beings of Heathen Mythologies.
The word "God" ,on the conversion of Teutonic Races to Christianity was adopted as the name of The One Supreme Being.
A Heathen, Mythological, Pagan name, was Adopted to replace the name of the Creator of All.
Adopted in this case, means The Name of The Creator of All was Intentionally and Maliciously changed.
Isaiah (42) (8) " I am Yahuah, that is my name, and My Esteem I do not give to Another, nor My Praise To Idols".
This statement by The Creator, Yahuah, places most of the world in an Immediate Dilemma, because the word "God" is an Absolute Idol.
Yahuah says He will Not Give His Esteem, (Praise or Honor) to an Idol. So every time you use the word "God" you are giving Honor and Praise to an Idol.
This is a Direct Violation of the 3rd Commandment, where Yahuah says " You Do Not Bring The Name of Yahuah, Your Aluah, (Mighty One) To Nothing, For Yahuah Does Not Leave One Unpunished Who Brings His Name To Nothing".
Every time you say the word "God"... you not only bring his name to nothing, you exchange His Name for an Idol... "God". This is a direct violation of not only the 3rd commandment, but also a violation of the 1st and 2nd commandments.
Names hold power. They define Identity, Existence and Purpose.
When it comes to the most important name ever, that is The Creator of All, using an inaccurate name isn't just careless, it removes your connection with the Creator and leads you astray.
Salvation is found only through the name of The Father, Yahuah and the Son Yahsuah.
It is crucial to recognize that replacing Yahuah with "God" is no accident.
This is a calculated move, designed to sever our relationship with the True Creator.
This isn't a mistake we can afford to perpetuate any longer.
It is our responsibility to correct this Intentional Misinformation.
Start by calling on the name of Yahuah for salvation, and using the name of Yahuah in your prayers, teachings, and spiritual discussions.
If you are in a position of influence, a teacher, parent, or community leader, this is your call to action. Educate those around you/ (This isn't a minor error). It's a matter of Spiritual Integrity.
You may have lived in ignorance by perpetuating the use of term "God", that not only misrepresents the truth, but it intentionally obscures the true representation of the Creator Yahuah.
This is a call to your greatest Spiritual Awakening. When you say Yahuah, you're acknowledging the name that carries the power to change your life Immediately, and can literally save you for Eternity.
Be a bearer of truth, a vanguard of change. Reclaim and proclaim the name Yahuah.
Throw away the name "God", that cannot do anything for you but mislead you.
Call on the name above all names... Yahuah. '
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