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  1. D


    The translation "tribulation" comes from a Greek root word which is a verb thlibo and means "to press upon" or "to put under pressure". In the KJV the noun thlipsis is translated tribulation, affliction, persecution, pain, suffering, and trouble --- NONE of which correctly convey the meaning of...
  2. D


    The primary Greek word for sin is "hamartano" which literally means "to miss the mark". This mark refers to the standards set by our Creator to live a righteous or correct life. Ultimately it boils down to obedience. To obey God consistently is the goal of life. To disobey God is to miss the...
  3. D

    The word "new" does not mean "freshly created"

    I get my definition from the Holy Spirit through a Greek word study which goes to the root word and includes all parts of speech related to that root word. The Greek verb ktizo means "to create". I am sure God would have used this word if He meant "freshly created". God does not start from...
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    The word "new" does not mean "freshly created"

    Rev 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. The Greek word for "new" in this verse is kainos. This word does NOT mean freshly created. Rather, it means something that is unique, wonderful, amazing...
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    Heaven is NOT your home. This earth is. God made this earth for mankind. And if you think heaven is a place you are missing the essence of heaven. Heaven is a way of life. Heaven is all about living in and with God. When Jesus brought heaven to earth He did not bring one place to another place...
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    Why Jesus is NOT coming soon

    Paul was talking to anointed ones who were turning the world upside down, not to the pathetic denominational churches we see today.
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    Baptism is NOT an English word. It's a GREEK word.

    This word "baptism" is not translated from Greek into English. Rather it is transliterated. This means the Greek letters are changed into English letters but no MEANING is conveyed. The reason this was done is because the practice of the Roman Catholic church and the Church of England was to...
  8. D

    Do you hear God speak to you?

    A pot calling the kettle black.
  9. D


    Now you introduce a real problem and that is translating the Greek. The KJV is essentially a document produced by Roman Catholics priests. To understand WHY we need to examine history. Old Henry VIII was desperate for an heir, i.e. a son, and went through several women trying to create one. In...
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    Why Jesus is NOT coming soon

    Good point. Prophets are sent by God with 2 basic purposes --- correction and direction. Together these are a warning. Through prophets God tells His people where they are at and where He wants them to be. People don't want to be corrected. This is why they kill the prophets of God, including...
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    Do you hear God speak to you?

    You missed the whole point of my post evidenced by your stubborn hold on traditional doctrines. Did the first disciples have Bibles? NO! Yet they turned the world upside down. Today everyone has a Bible and what good is that doing?
  12. D

    Do you hear God speak to you?

    You are right, Luigi. From Acts onward the New Testament is all about disciples, NOT Christians. Yet today most people who call themselves "Christians" do not know that it means anointed one and that it was God who told the disciples to call themselves anointed ones. The traditional churches...
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    Do you hear God speak to you?

    Just think what anointed ones could do if they put aside their Bibles, listened to God and obeyed Him.
  14. D

    Do you hear God speak to you?

    Yes, of course. Do you?
  15. D

    Are you an overcomer?

    You need to check out the verb tenses of the Greek word that means "to overcome".
  16. D

    Are you an overcomer?

    Again, overcoming is not a title. It is not a past event. It is not something you have when you say "I believe". It is an on-going process that starts when you become a disciple and on your way to becoming a son of God.
  17. D

    Are you an overcomer?

    Yes, I am saying overcomers do not sin. You are defending traditional doctrine when you refuse to believe that you can't be like Jesus here and now. Part of the problem is that church doctrine teaches that salvation is all about going to heaven and is the main reason Jesus came --- to die on a...
  18. D

    Are you an overcomer?

    You missed my point that overcoming in an on-going process. It is not just a title. If you are overcomer then you are overcoming constantly and victorious in life. Then, back to my point, today's doctrines of traditional churches are defeatist in nature. Following them will make you a loser, not...
  19. D

    Are you an overcomer?

    You mean believers are NOT supposed to be overcomers?
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    Please read my post "what is a disciple?"