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  1. enril

    Strongly dislike Smartphones

    I am basically 15 and I have never had a smartphone. I have a slim camera for recording, and an mp3 player for music, and I would like a flip phone for just texting, because unfortunately in our world, if you don't have a phone you miss out. however I never want a smartphone. I think laptops are...
  2. enril

    my profile image explained. Heart: Black; for the darkness that has tainted us. Red; his blood...

    my profile image explained. Heart: Black; for the darkness that has tainted us. Red; his blood, purifying us. White; what he has purified. Outer Circle: Black; for our sin we commit. Orange; for our burning guilt. Brown; for the dried husk we become. Blue; the icy clarity of our sin after the...
  3. enril

    nwhat are your views on tattoos?

    but we already covered the for the dead thing. it does not mean anything about for the living. My own pastor said the same.
  4. enril

    nwhat are your views on tattoos?

    alright. why? quote a verse. plus. in 3 years I might not want one anyway.
  5. enril

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    your foster mother must be an amazing person, to encourage you even though she does not follow your(and my :D) faith.
  6. enril

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    yeah. I will never motorbike. i have friends who do that, and every one has broken bones and been ijured in other ways. even if it has a low fatality rate (most fatalities are from tricksters. i.e. popping wheelies on the highway, speeding, &c.) but it is still much too dangerous for me. mbiking...
  7. enril

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    yikes!!! who would do that? is Ice hockey refereed?
  8. enril

    Comment by 'enril' in media 'Isaiah 26:12'

    thank you. I need that assurance.
  9. enril

    two more years later, but hola'

    two more years later, but hola'
  10. enril

    just a word of explanation and hope.

    this one is actually really accurate. If you could kick the person responsible for most of your trouble in the pants , would you do it? i wouldn't, why would anyone ever kick himself in the nuts? :LOL:
  11. enril

    can you guys post something funny please?

    A government agent is responsible for finding an architect to build a tower So he brings 3 architects, a Chinese, an American and an Iranian. The Chinese architect says I charge 3 Millions, 1.5M for material, 1M for workers and 0.5M as my salary. He goes to the next one. The American architect...
  12. enril

    can you guys post something funny please?

    I went for the job interview and the interviewer said they are looking for somebody who is responsible.... I said 'I'm your guy!' They asked why... 'Well at my old job if something went wrong, something went missing or somebody got hurt, they always said I was responsible'
  13. enril

    pray for courage.

    I need courage to talk to my youth pastor about my second (night) life. I have been emailing him, but talking in person is much better. and harder. I also want to tell a friend. but, the fear of rejection. so strong. because I really value my relationship with her.
  14. enril

    ahh. I got a nap this afternoon, which I really needed. since I've not got much sleep lately.

    ahh. I got a nap this afternoon, which I really needed. since I've not got much sleep lately.
  15. enril

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    I actually dislike adrenaline, because it just make you feel good for a second, and then you ae shaky after. also, I get hangovers after too much. which, are not fun.
  16. enril

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    I think it is safer now because, I heard there are reserve 'chutes activated automatically in case the main 'chute doesn't go.
  17. enril

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    do be aware that close to 4 million people skydive each year. I'd be willing to take that risk. there is a reason for double-checks.
  18. enril

    anyone heard the elon musk '666' microchip conspiracy theory?

    I do not normally care about conspiracy theorys, but this one was very interesting. I cannot vouch for it as it is mostly hearsay.
  19. enril

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    yeah that would probably be a good idea. considering that I have not done much. and, @Nehemiah6 all this is coming from someone who does not play sports, does not ride a bike, actually, because I believe they are containing too much chance. so does snowboarding, though, and I will probably never...
  20. enril

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    did you know that football is more dangerous than skydiving? '' Each year in the U.S. an average of a dozen high school and college football players die during practices and games, according to a new study that finds heart conditions, heat and other non-traumatic causes of death are twice as...