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  1. C

    can you guys post something funny please?

    I just flashed back to the Hack Nicolson scene in The Shining. :LOL:
  2. C

    The plan to destroy America

    If true, I pray Mr, Carlson doesn't die in a car accident, or gets mugged and shot in the back 3 times only to be found with all his valuables still in his possession.
  3. C

    Angels posing as men.

  4. C

    Angels posing as men.

    Is God Sovereign?
  5. C

    Angels posing as men.

    I'm sure. I look people in the eyes when we talk, and I know what I saw . o_O
  6. C

    New York becomes the first state to ban natural gas stoves and furnaces in most new buildings

    Is that corpseaphobia? :unsure: We need create a sensitivity training coarse.
  7. C

    New York becomes the first state to ban natural gas stoves and furnaces in most new buildings Leave it to New York. It's almost like their politicians agreed to let their state be the testing ground for the most ridiculous new policies fostered by the excuse , climate change. From 2021...
  8. C

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Tim decided to tie the knot with his long time girlfriend. One evening, after the honeymoon, he was organizing his golfing equipment. His wife was standing nearby watching him. After a long period of silence she finally speaks: "Tim, I've been thinking, now that we're married maybe it's time you...
  9. C

    Angels posing as men.

    I believe demons can possess people and perhaps even appear as human. I encountered one or the other months ago. It was a female human in appearance. It went from being mildly miffed in general to totally ticked off in a matter of seconds. Now, some might think I merely encountered an upset...
  10. C

    King Charles is crowned king

    No. America inaugurated Trump as President. We learned our lesson over 200 years ago and know better than to have a mortal sovereign on a throne.
  11. C

    Does 1 John 3:15 say that someone who commits suicide doesn't have eternal life?

    I don't think anyone can be the judge of that. God knows our hearts. Even those who give up on their life and seek peace and mercy in death. God rest them all and have mercy .
  12. C

    Angels posing as men.

  13. C

    King Charles is crowned king

    As a point of information for those who may not know, Charles was anointed with oil from the Mount of Olives. Oh come now, it's Great Britain.:p
  14. C

    Honest question....why don't churches teach the best way to avoid fornication is to get married?

    I took the OP seriously at first. However, after page upon page of the same repeat rhetoric, I've arrived at the conclusion this isn't a sincere OP or thread on their part. Because the majority of the repeating rhetoric is saying in worldly implications while referring to Paul and Jesus so to...
  15. C

    can you guys post something funny please?

    If you are not a fan of dry and or dark humor you will not find that to be funny. :ROFL:
  16. C

    King Charles is crowned king

    More like, IS THE KING SAVED? WWDS. What Would Diana have Said?
  17. C

    King Charles is crowned king

    Well, this is unexpected. Did the Grim Reaper visit Westminster Abbey during the coronation? Or, how did someone costumed as the Reaper get past security? :unsure: Look at the back of the church, not to the foreground.
  18. C

    Honest question....why don't churches teach the best way to avoid fornication is to get married?

    You might consider you do not understand Jesus nor Paul's view because you have tunnel vision on this very personal, to you, matter. You talk about marriage as a solution to stop or prevent fornication. It doesn't appear as if marriage makes you happy or content. So maybe resist telling others...
  19. C

    Angels posing as men.

    Personally, I think you would make a better argument if you left professional fakers, actors, out of your pov. Also, I think you might be assisted in your understanding of what sin is if you sought out Biblical study sites wherein the definition of Sin can be found. This site for instance...