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  1. C

    Honest question....why don't churches teach the best way to avoid fornication is to get married?

    How relieved is the second mouse to be left out of that? ;):LOL:
  2. C


    You're right, I was one who thought those very things. One site became the other Thank you for clarifying.:)
  3. C


    Rapture scripture was discussed. It was a lot like this site topics wise. The main site is still active. The forum is gone for good now. I thought the closure was temporary. I just checked again for an update.Found this on the main forum site. There use to be the Rapture Ready Forum. Then they...
  4. C


    Rapture scripture was discussed. It was a lot like this site topics wise. The main site is still active. The forum is gone for good now. I thought the closure was temporary. I just checked again for an update.Found this on the main forum site. Rapture Forums Sorry, the forums is currently...
  5. C

    can you guys post something funny please?

    No. It's OK. Thank you for trying to help me see the video.:)
  6. C

    can you guys post something funny please?

    :LOL: Can't blame them for wanting a change of scenery.
  7. C

    Angels posing as men.

    The angels that joined Lucifer in his war against God is a good example I think of angels rebelling and acting contrary to God's will.
  8. C

    King Charles is crowned king

    So, why should Americans care? We broke away from the crown centuries ago.
  9. C

    can you guys post something funny please?

    I can't get the Gram to load. What's happening there?
  10. C

    Honest question....why don't churches teach the best way to avoid fornication is to get married?

    I was merely responding in kind to the hypothetical. Of course marriage needs be a wise decision.:) It's for life.
  11. C

    Angels posing as men.

    You had to go there. ;)
  12. C

    Honest question....why don't churches teach the best way to avoid fornication is to get married?

    Maybe because getting married just to have an outlet for sexual energy is a horrible thing to do? Given the importance and lifelong covenant Christianity defines as marriage.
  13. C

    Random game.

  14. C

    Angels posing as men.

    Tobit, or The Book of Tobias, is an inspired book. Considered in rank the same as Esther and Judith in its content. It is in the RSV Bible. Read this,
  15. C

    Where is John the Apostle now?

    So have established that John still lives?
  16. C

    Random game.

    Loved that gif.
  17. C


    I didn't notice the issues that are now posted as cause for the time off. Maybe I didn't visit the right board to see it happening.
  18. C

    Husband doesn’t want me to be baptized

    I'm not hounding anyone. It was the opposite in fact. Please don't be judgemental when you don't know the facts . Thanks.