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  1. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    I just read the article. It was very good. I think there are several reasons younger people are becoming more and more indifferent to the church in general: 1. Their parents no longer go. Grandma and grandpa may have attended, but that's where the family tradition ended. 2. There are a lot of...
  2. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    I am assuming you have read a few of my posts. I try and give an explanation for each position I take. It is not purely emotional. However, my passion for each subject probably screams out at times. My main position concerning the modern church and its leadership is that it has failed, and it is...
  3. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    I would argue that if we didn't have huge buildings with likewise huge mortgages, and paid staff, we could give a lot more to missionaries that are doing work for the needy right here in our country. We may even have enough left over to help that single mom sitting in the front pew listening to...
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    Advice From A Octogenarian---Don't Depend On Christian Charity In Your Old Age

    This is another area where the church is failing miserably. Instead of paying pastors to send their kids to private schools, we can use our tithe to help senior adults have a better life.
  5. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    No, I am diametrically opposed to the idea of Christian communism, which eventually sets a mandate for wealth redistribution. In order to achieve the communal oneness the early church experienced, benevolence has to be from the heart of Christ who lives inside each one of us. It cannot be...
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    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    You would certainly know who the "real Christians" are. And it is happening as we speak. More home churches are popping up around the world. I think we have to be careful not to let these small congregations develop into cults, however. I think the notion of church buildings only being...
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    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    That has been my whole point all along if you would have read the entire post. If the church doesn't step up and start making disciples again, the government will.
  8. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    You hear it in the sermons. Pastors literally discourage giving to the poor, because "these low-lifes did it to themselves." Instead, we are encouraged to give to a bloated building fund. I know what Jesus gave-- everything. And he didn't have a $30 million net worth.
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    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    DesertWanderer said: Sell your church building and give the money to the poor Why would we have to do that? The early church didn't rely on the Romans to supply buildings for worship. In fact, they met in their homes and in secret places in...
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    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    There needs to be a distinction between a benevolent society like the one displayed by the early church and Marxism, which is what you are so adamant about. But herein lies the problem. Pastors and other church leaders are so afraid of communism that it has clouded their judgment. For example...
  11. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    I figured I would get a response like this from someone. I think you are missing the point of my post. Simply put, if the churches don't step up, we will eventually have a socialist state, which could lead to communism.
  12. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    It happens every third Sunday. Most pastors in the U.S. will get behind the podium, shaking their fists, railing against the forces behind socialism in America. They lament about the demise of our society and how the Democrats are ruining the American way of life. The candidates for president...
  13. D

    The Breaking Down of the Traditional Family

    Church families need to be more engaged. Instead of more sermons, we need discipleship, which isn't happening now. As church elders draw up plans for bigger churches, more and more families fall through the cracks.
  14. D

    Hillsong, Bethel and Elevation, not churches?

    I find this video extremely hypocritical. Here are two guys, probably brought up Baptist, railing against the Charismatic movement. I saw a similar video by John McCarthur, where he basically declares all Charismatics doomed to hell. I dearly love all three of these church leaders, but I have to...
  15. D

    A Heartfelt Letter From Your Pastor

    I honestly don't think it is a matter of greed or pride. It's a systemic failure of churches in general. We're doubling down on the current model of putting buildings over people. The evidence of this is the influx of megachurches. The buildings, expensive programs, and inflated pastor salaries...
  16. D

    Coffee with married coworker?

    Do not ask your husband! Do not even bring it up to him. Do not mention it, ever. Be done with the whole thing, immediately. Don't give a second thought to it. Put it out of your mind. And FORGET ABOUT IT!
  17. D

    Coffee with married coworker?

    Those "older seasoned guys" have a real knack for talking young impressionable girls like you into doing a lot of bad things.
  18. D

    Coffee with married coworker?

  19. D

    A Heartfelt Letter From Your Pastor

    Yes, it was meant to be satirical. Unfortunately, there is a lot of truth to it. I have heard pastors who actually admit to this way of thinking, at least in part.
  20. D

    A Heartfelt Letter From Your Pastor

    No, that is true, but he works through us to bless us. Otherwise, he would not have given us the command: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you...