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  1. I

    What is Christianity? Define it!

    Christianity is simply the teachings of Jesus and the apostles. Christian is one who follows these teachings.
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    Does scripture tell us the law of the Lord is dead?

    Couldn't disagree more, all you hear is grace and not of works on every christian TV channel and in most churches. And look at the state of 'Christians' today? More worldly than ever, adultery is so common place that you'd imagine even atheists are living holier lives, I know of a case where...
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    I will grant you that, thank you for sharing, I will pray about it and ponder on it, makes sense to me
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    My view is that its talking about the two baptisms we see in the New Testament Born of water = Water baptism Born of Spirit = Spirit baptism
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    In response to the part higlighted: Luke 24:39 Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.” The resurrection body is physical, and yes we will be partakers of the divine nature, but there is nothing and no...
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    Are Sins Timeless?

    Wages of sin is death, not just specific sins, but all sins. This is why we all die here in the flesh, what we can be saved from is the second death, which unlike our life here, is permanent and irreversible.
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    Does God love everyone?

    I want everyone reading this exchange to notice the difference, I provided Scripture in addition to common sense. He provided "nuh-uh".... in other words, nothing.
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    Does God love everyone?

    I would think differently because the Bible states God is not happy with certain things that take place. Naturally, God did not predestine that to take place. Read Isaiah chapter 5 for example, here are some quotes from the chapter: " “Now you dwellers in Jerusalem and people of Judah...
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    Allah and Christ

    The word allah means God. Its not the same God as the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, that is for sure. But if I am not mistaken, if you pick up an arabic bible, the word God is written as "allah"? So I think its just a generic name for God in arabic and can mean the one true God the Father...
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    Does God love everyone?

    I got nothing against their teaching on predestination, I also believe in that. Where I differ is that I don't believe God has predestined every little thing that has ever happened. Every typo, every pen drop. etc. He has predestinated certain things, yes.
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    Does God love everyone?

    I am not a calvinist if that is what you are trying to ask. ;)
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    Does God love everyone?

    No God does not love everyone in the type of love He has for His people. Yes God does love everyone in the sense that He is merciful and long suffering. Since the latter is not controversial at all, I will show a few Scriptures on the first one: John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has...
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    Any Historically orthodox Christians here?

    I dont think there really is such a thing as orthodoxy in history. I have looked into it, perhaps a bit too much. Things we consider parts of orthodoxy like the trinity isn't orthodox doctrine before the council of Nicea. The people prior to that did believe Jesus is God many of times, but...
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    Food in the Bible

    Hey guys I would like to make a thread where we list foods found or mentioned in the Bible. This would be interesting for someone who wants to form a biblical diet, and its a nice thread with no debate. I can tell bread, fish, lamb and goats are obviously mentioned. Does the Bible ever...
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    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    I believe as you believe on this :) Salute to you brother or sister
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    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    What is the mark of the beast?
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    God decides who wins in games of chance?

    Were you predestined to type that? ;)
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    Nation Against Nation

    Is the post going to continue? But yeah, the devastation will be huge. But we need not worry, God can aim His plagues rather well and we are protected by the blood of the Lamb, just like the israelites in Egypt were protected when the egyptians faced the plagues ;)
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    Who Is Us?

    I take the "us" to mean either a royal way of saying "Let me do some creating here" as is the case often. It could also mean literally multiple people, my best guess would be the Father and His Son. Or it could just mean the heavenly host in general