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  1. pickles

    Prayer for my daughter

    Please keep my daughter in prayers this monday. She is having another surgical procidure, and had some minor complacations the last two times. Please pray all goes well and drs will be able to treat her. Thankyou and God bless. pickles
  2. pickles

    Humility, started by phil :)

    Phil started this post, and even though there were many good answers given, I wanted to share this as it took several days as I was unsure on the best way to answer His post. Thankyou phil, as this was a true gift in Jesus. :) I asked Jesus what would be the best ways to speak to humility? This...
  3. pickles

    faith with works of faith?

    I figured the title would be fun.:) But I thought this would make a good discussion after reading scriptures about both. Works or faith? Faith with works? What is the difference between the two, and which is brings more to ones walk ? :) In Jesus, God bless. pickles
  4. pickles

    another question?

    I realise this may sound like a silly question. What exactly is the abominable and destructive thing? I know it is evil, the antichrist. But what is this excactly and what shall we look for? Im sorry for asking, but I have trouble with the prophetic books and all the reprasentations...
  5. pickles

    Search the scriptures

    Jn 5: 39-40 39 Search the scriptures in which you think you have eternal life- they also testify on my behalf. 40 Yet you are unwilling to come to me to possess that life. Ive read this scripture several times, Jn. 5: 31-39 Now we know that Jesus speaking to the Jewish unbelievers at this...
  6. pickles

    Maby a silly question.

    I know this may seem lke a silly question, :) but I have read several scriptures that speak to many waters. Why is this said in this way? Is there an understanding or translation to this that explains many waters? Thankyou for any help. :) God bless. pickles
  7. pickles

    How we speak

    Lately, it is with a heavy and broken heart that one reads the many ways of words posted. Are we not children of God, called in Jesus to be holy and blameless in His sight? Col. 3;8 But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth...
  8. pickles

    The knowladge of good and evil?

    I have often wondered about this, where Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowladge of good and evil. Mostly because it is this knowladge that brought condemnation. Then we have Jesus, who's sacrifice brought forgivness, grace, salvation. For the sin of one man, was payed in the sacrifice of the...
  9. pickles

    Joy in Jesus!!!

    I thought it might be nice to share ones joy in Jesus through scripture and word! Seems with all that is so difficult in the world, and in our disagreements, if we each share one or more scriptures and witness to the joy that Jesus has brought in ones life, we shall bring more that is agreement...
  10. pickles

    Let one hear who has ears!

    This is given in Jesus. If one can, please read all of Luke 6:20 to 49. In Jesus this scripture is given for those that are to hear. Luke 6;43 43; For a good tree bringeth forth not corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bringeth forth good fruit. 44; For every tree is known by his...
  11. pickles

    Bible scholors help. :)

    The scripture, 1 corr. 13:12 For now we see through a glass darkly: but then face to face; now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. I wanted to know if there is a more original translation of this scripture? As an understanding has been given in Jesus, I seek better...
  12. pickles

    They will know you by your fruits

    First, Im not speaking to this as one that thinks they are innocent. But speaking to this as it is set upon on the heart in Jesus. Its not about wether one agrees with the other. About who is right or wrong. About who is decieving. Or about correction. Or about one being passionate about the...
  13. pickles


    A few weeks ago I read in revelations that those who fear would be condemned. It was quite a wakeup call for me. I had not seen this written in the NAB, but I have started reading the KJB. Im sorry I cannot speak the exact scripure, as my bible is in my room and hubby is sleeping.:) The fear...
  14. pickles

    Simple question?

    I hope this will be a simple question of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Is prophacy speaking to future events or upbuilding of the congragation. Or is knowladge the speaking to future events? Are they the same? In Jesus, God bless. pickles
  15. pickles

    Hubby needs prayer

    Forgive my spelling as its very late for me. My hubby developed a fast moving infection, we went to er last night. He had to have emergecy surgury. Infection started from a small cat scratch. He came through surgury well, may need one more sugury. Please pray the infection will respond to...
  16. pickles

    72 lives lost

    Today, due to tornados and severe weather in the se united states 72 people have lost their lives and many more have been injured. It has been a deviatating year for tornados. The damage to homes and buisnesses has been extensive. Please pray for the comfort and streangth of Jesus to pour out...
  17. pickles

    How this applies

    Jesus said," what ever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me." I have often considered how this applies to what one does, says, how one treats another. Often I hear some one say, saddly Ive said this in the past myself. That the beggers I see, I just want to be sure they wont...
  18. pickles

    When do you believe?

    Im asking this , not to debate about who recieves prophacys, but to ask all to look into their hearts and in Jesus find the answers. Everytime some one has posted a word of prophacy in this forum, it has been rejected and argued. This has me questioning if any word would be accepted. To edify...
  19. pickles

    thoughtful consideration

    I had an interesting thing happen last night. Some time after I had signed off here. I had just finished my reading and prayers, getting ready to relax with some christain music when the power went out. I found myself in total blackness. As I reached into the drawer next to my bed, anxious to...
  20. pickles

    Are we perfect???

    Lately, I have tried so hard to make sure that I speak perfectly in Jesus. That the message I had hoped to witness to, has lost much of its love in Jesus. Mostly, because I let the concern over having all the mistakes pointed out, become more important than the witness. I see now that this is...