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  1. U


    Thank you for your answers to the questions :) As you know, I see life from a different perspective, and would from this give different answers. What is important for me isn't who of us have the right perspective, but rather if we are moving towards more peace in life.
  2. U


    T The person could still have answered the question, or asked me why I asked it, instead of me being banned. I see this a constructive communication. And still, I don't see it as spin. I didn't try to manipulate. I was shocked but tried to ask with an open heart.
  3. U


    Hi :) A agree with your view. It is important to respect that it's a Christian forum and most people are here to see the path to salvation/peace from a Christian perspective. The problem however is, that the rules are not based on this. The rules only focus on behavior, not about opinion. But...
  4. U


    When saying, I don't see my belief as a religion, I base it on an understanding of religion as a structured system that several people follow. But if religion is merely understood as the belief in God, then it is a religion. From there it is possible to discuss, what understanding of God makes...
  5. U


    That is correct. I don't see any problem in asking if I understand a message correct.
  6. U


    I have contacted the admins. They still haven't responded. That is why I went into the forum to express my experience and hear others point of view.
  7. U


    I agree with you view :)
  8. U


    I'm not quoting the exact phrase the person used, because I don't remember it. That is why I wrote: "the person wrote SOMETHING about". Also, I didn't try to show that the person is a mass murderer. I asked about how the message should be understood.
  9. U


    It's not a religion, that is for sure. Maybe it can be called home-cooked. For me it's more important listening to and trying to understand others belief, than giving it a name.
  10. U


    That was much information, and I have several things to say regarding it. If you are interested in it, we can have a discussion about it :) To begin with, I will however just ask you a few questions based on your information. Your text: "they come to realize they don't exist, never have...
  11. U


    I like your approach to a discussion. I how found more inspiration using this forum today, than I find on the chat. So, there has been a outcome :) Still though I find my ban unfair, and will probably contact a moderator.
  12. U


    Wow. That actually sounds quite similar to what I believe in. Thank you very much for the information :) What is your critique of this from a Christian perspective?
  13. U


    I like your advice. I like to discuss topics about how we learn and communicate. But I prefer having people that I know want to listen and talk about it :) That problem I've too often had as a teacher :D
  14. U


    Yes, I've also met these people. For me the most important in a contact is just to be curious. My experience is, that when we don't feel we need to change things we meet, we have more peace. I don't always succeed in having such an approach to others. But when I do, I often get the best...
  15. U


    Again, I don't try to change others belief if it brings them peace. I agree with you, though, that we will meet intolerance. But am I supposed to stop communicating, because some people don't like my opinions? I will meet such people everywhere. Or should these people just not contact me, as...
  16. U


    Thank you for your advice :) I haven't been able to find another site that fits with my belief. Do you know one? Also, I still don't understand how I've broken the rules here. You are welcome to show me what rule I haven't followed.
  17. U


    No, it's not a different religion. As I see it, Brahman would just be another word for a separated understanding of God. I distinguish between relative consciousness and intuitive consciousness, and try to find peace in not following an illusion about a self. I mostly see similarities in my...
  18. U


    Ok. As I'm sure you have understood, I just don't see the connection between my ban and the rules of the site :) I wish there would be a better communication about the reason for banning.
  19. U


    Have I tried to preach about a heretic view of life by answering a question about if I believe in God, and allowing the person to hear further about my view of life? Have I tried to remove the persons belief?
  20. U


    You are correct. I didn't understand the word "heretic" correct, when I read the post. But does that mean, I'm not allowed to use the chat or this forum? Are we not able to inspire each other despite of differences if we are seeking towards peace? For me the answer is that we can. And the...