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  1. U


    If you explain what you base your yes or no on, it can be used as inspiration.
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    Hi :) I hope someone will be able to explain for me, how my approach to life goes against this :)
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    Thank you :) Does this mean, that some are clean?
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    Hi :) As mentioned in my original message, I don't believe in a personal or separated God. But I do believe in God, it's just a different understanding than Christians have of God. That also means, I'm trying to move towards peace through God's "help". The reason why I use the chat is to be...
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    I don't see how my questions, that lead to being banned, were either heretical or blasphemous. So, if your understanding is correct - which I think it is - there must be a lack of compliance between what the rules says and what is being followed. I hope there will come a solution to that problem.
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    Still I don't understand, what is meant by that clean should not be in fellowship with unclean, if clean/unclean is based on sin. But I thank you for your reply :)
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    This is a sidestep from the purpose of the thread. But I'm curious :) I'm looking for a scripture in the Bible about being unclean from a moral perspective. Perhaps you can help. At the same time, such a perspective also makes me wonder, where there are clean (holy) people besides from Jesus...
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    Thank you for your concern and what we shared together. Maybe our paths will cross again another time :)
  9. U


    Hi :) It's an interesting quote you bring up. And I would agree with it. I will try elaborate my view. Yes, we should be allowed to follow what feels right. That I believe will be able to bring us peace. But, it doesn't mean, that what we follow is the right path to peace. It's a process that...
  10. U


    Ok. Interesting view. I don't see myself as unclean. But I'm sure you do because I'm not a believer of Christ as our savior. But, this thread isn't a discussion of the interpretation of the Bible, but about the rules of the chat. So, you are welcome to explain what rule on the chat that has to...
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    That I actually agree with you about that :p On the other hand, we can use the situation of my ban to discuss topics like freedom of speech, allowance of having our own opinion, constructive communication and much more .
  12. U


    Again, the thread isn't about discussing what God is. It's about if we are allowed to be here despite of different understandings. I would like to thank you for sharing your view. I try to understand it, just as I hope you do the same about mine, so that we can have a constructive conversation...
  13. U


    You see it as an error. I don't. My thread isn't about how we understand God, but about if we are allowed to be here, even though we don't share the same understanding, but respect others understanding. You are welcome to give your opinion regarding that topic. P.S. You can read my reply to...
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    REPLY TO oldthenew QUOTE: you would do well to listen with an open heart instead of rejecting wise words when written to you with good intentions... also, it's not about what 'makes us feel good', it's about Who makes us feel good... great post Maryjohanna! maybe we will hear some honest...
  15. U


    "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect," .. For me this quote illustrates what I have been missing and what I think has lead to a ban. Thank you for sharing it with me
  16. U


    Thank you for your comforting reply :) No, we shouldn't take it personally. When we do, I think we are on a wrong path in life. What I would like, though, is a constructive conversation about how we can communicate despite disagreeing. I wish you the best on Christian Chat, and hope my ban...
  17. U


    Thank you for a positive reply :) I believe in God. But not in a personal and separated God. I don't focus on dogmas that I see as being part of a relative consciousness. Instead I try to focus on intuitive consciousness, that doesn't try to explain what God is, but instead on following the...
  18. U


    Maybe it's not difficult for you to understand the information you write, but it is for me. I find it sad, that you are do not wish to elaborate the information, and thereby help me understand further. But I will accept this. I also hope you will have peace in life :)
  19. U


    Thank you for your advice. I have studied the Bible for many years, and do not try to be the equal of God, but find peace in the environment I am part of. I am still trying to understand your previous message, and will therefor insert my reply to this. It will be easier for me to understand you...
  20. U


    If I understand you correct, I agree about, that we are no longer on our own, when we stop following the illusion about being separated individuals. For me that leads to peace. This is the understanding I try to observe and explore life further from. My question, however, is still, if I'm not...