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  1. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    YES! All who don't are monsters.
  2. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    I'm definitely a procaffinator. :coffee:
  3. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    #0118 999 881 999 119 725 3 Always try turning the computer off and on again before calling technical support
  4. Sonflower

    Its Coffee Time

    I can't believe this thread has been around since June and I haven't commented on it. My coffee tastes have changed and evolved over the years. I drink a plain latte made with whole milk. yummmm.
  5. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    Don't turn on netflix for "background noise" when doesn't end well.
  6. Sonflower

    What does it mean when you say you're "in love" with someone?

    Love is an action. Love is giving to that person expecting nothing in return. Love is choosing to stay when you don't feel like it anymore. Love is placing that person above yourself, not because of gushy feelings but because you choose them. Love takes discipline. Love is sacrificial. Love is...
  7. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    #167 Don't apply mascara in the car unless you enjoy gambling. There is a equal chance you'll look fabulous or like a football player cutting down on the glare with the black stripe thingies. Complete toss up.
  8. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    Rattlers ain't nothing to mess with.
  9. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    I think the question is...who makes money from the panhandle of FL and Disney? Florida. It's all Florida's.
  10. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    It sounds like a racial slur because it's 2018.... everything is a racial slur. #212 When in doubt assume it's an offensive term in some way shape or form.
  11. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    #692 If you have long hair, be careful. It is an entanglement waiting to happen. Beware of zipper wallets, purses, and jackets. Beware of car doors. Beware of car windows. Beware of home doors, sliding an/or normal doors. Beware of seat belts. Beware of clothes with hooks on the back. Etc
  12. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    It's from the movie Monsters inc. :) if the monsters were ever exposed to humans it was code #2319 and it was similar to the CDC coming in and cleaning up.
  13. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    #2319 Don't ever let alien clothes touch you...or anything alien, for that matter. If you're an alien, the same applies to human clothes.
  14. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    Have you ever heard of a water moccasin? Same snake, different name. Where I grew up is crawling with them. Extremely poisonous.
  15. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.'s a type if snake.
  16. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    Bible Discussion Forum. :)
  17. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    Life lesson # 539 Disclaimer: This life lesson is applicable to personality types like mine. Going to the BDF is like watching a soap opera. It just makes you angry and there is never any resolution. To keep your sanity avoid the BDF or take it in EXTREMELY small doses.