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  1. Sonflower

    Advice For Singles

    After being married, then single again...I would say my advice is, do not let those words define you. Married and/or single don't define or dictate how I'm going to live my life for Jesus. How I live my life for Jesus dictates who I am in all aspects of my life, including relationships. I try...
  2. Sonflower

    Do you drink coffee?? (POLL)

  3. Sonflower

    Let me tell you about my traffic court experience...

    As an American, justice is drilled into our heads as a right we all have. Traffic court is not about justice. It's about getting the maximum amount of dollars as possible. So, on Feb 11th I dropped my son off at swim practice like I normally would. It was 7am on a Saturday morning. His swim...
  4. Sonflower

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    For all my people with allergies...laugh through the sneezing.
  5. Sonflower

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    SO, two Saturdays ago, I got a new puppy. Yep. She's pretty much adorable. My current dog seems to be wondering why I brought home this evil deliverer of destruction. As I type this she's dragging my purse across the floor by the strap...oy. Instrument of chaos and destruction I tell you...
  6. Sonflower

    What do you do in life that makes you feel like you are fulfilling a calling?

    Hey Guys, I don't do this posting threads thing very often. I hesitate because I feel like so many threads have been created and I am probably repeating a topic. Tonight, though, I was left with this feeling at the end of the day. It's a feeling I love. I had a pretty mundane day. I woke up...
  7. Sonflower

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    Just leaving this here for your entertainment...
  8. Sonflower

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    Happy Birthday ZT! :) ---------- I was definitely feeling this this morning with the -8 temp.
  9. Sonflower

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    Saw this in the store. I've never wanted anything so badly in my entire life. I kept walking...nailed it.
  10. Sonflower

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    Thanks notmyown. :) And this is for those who don't remember what the chairs used to look like...
  11. Sonflower

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    Sometimes I come here and am just confused by what I read... ok so remember months ago when you helped me with the photoshopping of the dining table thing ZT? Finally, pictures of the finished product.
  12. Sonflower

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    And...give me the food now. Thanks.
  13. Sonflower

    Welcome to CC a dating site.

    Fenner, you're my hero.
  14. Sonflower

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    This was me last night. It stormed all evening. I finally got home...threw on my workout clothes because it's been WAY too long since I worked out. (2 weeks) Went to my Apt the pouring rain...and couldn't find my key card to get in. Stuck. That picture above accurately expressed what I...
  15. Sonflower

    Current Mood

    My current mood...
  16. Sonflower

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    Oh wise one...thank you for imparting your wisdom on me.
  17. Sonflower

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    Just leaving this note of encouragement here for you...because I care.
  18. Sonflower

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    Hahaha....I avoid that place like the plague.
  19. Sonflower

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    Glad I could gross you out. ;)
  20. Sonflower

    NFL- The Best and Worst of This Week's Games:

    At least I have this going for me...