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  1. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    Life lesson #234 (we should just pick random numbers cause there is no way we were gonna keep it in order when 2 ppl post at the same time) So life lesson #234 If you find yourself in the bathroom of the opposite sex, by accident, don't barricade yourself in a stall mustering up the courage to...
  2. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    If you look at the edit I made to the original you quickly deduce it was my own shoe.
  3. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    5. Never stand on a toilet while wearing flats or sandals. You are likely to drop a shoe in it. This actually happened to me in middle school. Don't ask.
  4. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    4. Never try to open your eyes while sneezing. It's impossible and a colossal waste of time.
  5. Sonflower

    Don't eat yellow snow - life lessons and other things.

    So, how about we share our life lessons with each other. This is supposed to be sort of a fun listing of life lessons. Things that are funny but true. HOPEfully, we can think of some funny ones. Life lesson #1: 1. Don't post personal ads in singles: CC is NOT a dating site. ;)
  6. Sonflower

    Hear YE! Come one, come all - What are your favorite things about ________?

    I really love brown eyes on a man. I think eye color and everything physical is all about personal preference. Just because someone doesn't prefer it, does not make it bad or boring. ;)
  7. Sonflower

    Setting the Bar High

    My personal standard is this: That he love the Lord with all His heart, mind, soul, and strength and loves his neighbor as hisself. Now, I don't expect him to be perfect at this because no one is, but if he places the Lord above all else all the little things will fall into place. I look for a...
  8. Sonflower

    Being a woman is not all bad

    It is still there. You have to hit the little arrow and the info shows up.
  9. Sonflower

    Being a woman is not all bad

    I can't help but totally love all of your precise organization in this post. It is fantastic. :) Also, I agree, girls are wonderful.
  10. Sonflower

    Being a woman is not all bad

    No prob bob. :)
  11. Sonflower

    Being a woman is not all bad

    The day we signed up is right under our profile name. I'm Jan 2016 so almost 3 years for me. Some have been here far longer than me.
  12. Sonflower

    Being a woman is not all bad

    We all started out new at some point. :) We look forward to getting to know you as well.
  13. Sonflower

    Being a woman is not all bad

    Adam and Eve both take the blame. Although, in Romans 5 it says sin came through one man, Adam. I know Dino pretty well and I'm pretty confident he didn't mean that he was offended. It was more a statement of facts. I do believe God designed it where men lead women. There does need to be a...
  14. Sonflower

    Hear YE! Come one, come all - What are your favorite things about ________?

    Their humor, though. They love to pick on us...and it is funny yet annoying all at the same time. It's almost like they deliberately like it when I get sorta mad. Like, not serious mad just a little mad. I'm over here trying to keep the sass from exploding and y'all tryin ta make it come...
  15. Sonflower

    Hey Yall!

    Gross. ACC chick here. It's ALL about the U! University of Miami Hurricanes. 5 time national champions. Oh how they have my heart. :love:
  16. Sonflower

    Hey Yall!

    Hey Hallmark. I'm a southern woman too. Us southern ladies are fans of food and football, am I right? Welcome!
  17. Sonflower

    Men of CC, I have questions...(Women can weigh in too)

    Guys, this is the first time this has ever happened to me. I made a thread controversial enough to draw the arguers out. I feel like I'm finally a part of the CC family. :) "If Sunflower wanted to discuss the historical abuse of woman she could have started a thread on that issue asking...
  18. Sonflower

    Men of CC, I have questions...(Women can weigh in too)

    Ahh. I wasn't said, " I suppose I'm not hoodwinked enough to see that this marxist ideology is "good." " That sentence implies someone is hoodwinked... maybe you meant other people in general are hoodwinked? In any case, that's why I wanted to clear it up.
  19. Sonflower

    Men of CC, I have questions...(Women can weigh in too)

    Just to clear something up....I don't think a single person, including myself, on this thread has said feminism or Marxist ideology is good. I agree completely men and women have specifically designed roles created by God for our good.