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  1. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    I think we are both saying a similar thing that there is over 1200 years of persecution of christian churches outside of the RCC and the Reformers. That has the inquisitions, but also many other mass killings of christians going into antiquity.
  2. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    Yeah, I have a book on the History of the Baptists by John.T.Christian that goes into detail about this. Also the book My Church by J.M. Moody. It is a funny thing how so many baptists took on Calvinism.. despite their history of being seperate from the Reformers. It also reminds me of how...
  3. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    ========================================================= Wow...check scripture re.... baptism; Baptism is Required. Peter 3: 21.... whereunto even baptism doth also now save us... John 3:5 .......Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the...
  4. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    I think that represents a very thin line between the two ......which is invisible. Adopting the baptist word as part of the reference name is tantamount to the making of twins. True Christian Church or True followers of Christ Church...etc, would be a clear separate choice if the need to...
  5. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    Baptist has a rich, long running tradition and their are distinctive baptistic teachings, so I am happy to align myself to the name. The main thing it really means is baptism of believers only, by full immersion. In saying this I could easily ditch the baptist name if it didn't mean adherance...
  6. wattie

    The Supremacy of Christ

    'The Father is greater than I' If I say, the President of the USA is greater than I.. Is he an onotologically superior being? No. He is in a greater POSITION When Jesus said the Father is greater than I, what happened afterward? He ascended to be one with the Father, as one.. equal! He...
  7. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    The key thing is non-protestant baptists have no known human founder, whereas baptists from the reformation would be connected to being started by a 1500s or 1600s movement for example. There may have also been baptist groups that were unrecognised generally before the baptist confession...
  8. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    Yea... the denial of a universal church is saying the universal entity is the Family of God, where the body of Christ is a localised entity. I believe all believers will be one church.. but that's 'yet future '.. we aren't assembled as one in heaven yet . Entrance to family thru belief in...
  9. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    An interesting study in church history is the 'non-protestant baptists'
  10. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    Most of Europe being christian at the time of the reformation? Well.. what did it mean to be christian? Is that being defined by the RCC? Don't forget the ana-baptists. They were called heretics by the RCC but the majority practiced biblically sound beliefs and attempted to preserve the...
  11. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    Yeah, most social institutions today were originally formed by christians back in the day
  12. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    Something to understand about the writers of church history: from John T Christian: Regarding baptistic churches from early church times-- '...the representations of the Baptists were often made by enemies who did not scruple, when such a course suited their purpose, to blacken character; and...
  13. wattie

    NRSV ue promotes homosexuality or not???

    It's pretty shocking when Nikelodeon promote LGBTQ+ through their advertising.. that's targeting really young children and promoting confusion. I know Disney have gotten into Woke big time.. you can't watch a marvel movie now without some sort of reference to it. It's like.. they are allowed...
  14. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    Well.. just to jump in.. have a look at history books on the persecution of anabaptists. I think around the 50,000,000 mark is accurate all included. And yes.. they do get called heretics.. but again, by who? Mostly the RCC and pedobaptists who are mostly unbiblical in their beliefs.
  15. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    Well here in new Zealand you can opt out of being a trust. So members won't get any money back from donations, but the state cannot determine any of that churches affairs.
  16. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    Yeah.. there is a problem here with churches registering as trusts.. and then have to abide by the govt regulations This may or may not be a godly way forward
  17. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    There are marks of a true church.. (not perfect but sticking to the Word) Baptism of believers only by full immersion Salvation by grace thru faith in Christ Independence of the local church from state control Belief in the one triune God Belief that Jesus is God and rose again. Belief in...
  18. wattie

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    In different church history books you can find information on 'the men of the valleys' .. vallenses.. Independent christian churches who fled persecution into the alps. There they dwelt in caves and lived hard lives... but preserved a pure, bible believing faith. It is from these kind of...
  19. wattie

    Not By Works

    DC and I have very much the same doctrine. I hope this thread doesn't die.
  20. wattie

    Not By Works

    So many times people post 'faith without works is dead ' without any context of what is about. Through the book of James.. these are Acts of service to God, people demonstrating faith they already were given by God. James isn't attaching works to getting eternal life in this.