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  1. Victor1999

    What do you mean when you say, "The Bible is the Word of God"?

    The Word of God did not become the Word of God when the church canonized it. It was the Word of God from the beginning. God allowed it to be canonized this way, if he wanted it otherwise He would make sure it was the other way.
  2. Victor1999

    Did Jesus Miss It?

    If we intend to understand the truth about life by studying science, we must be careful not look at God's Word the Holy Bible through the lens of science, but the other way around. God is the author of science, the laws of nature. He knows science better than we ever will, so if he says...
  3. Victor1999

    I don't understand some Bible verses.

    Hello, If we love God we must hate everything else by comparison. Anything that would seem beneficial to a common worldly person should be counted as loss because it is not for Christ's sake. This does not mean to bully your friends and family, but it means that you must surrender everything...
  4. Victor1999

    You are loved

    God disciplines us because He loves us. Let's carry our heavy crosses and deny ourselves.
  5. Victor1999

    When God spoke to Israel was it for gentiles, also?

    What covenant do you think these verses are taking about?
  6. Victor1999

    When God spoke to Israel was it for gentiles, also?

    Hebrews 8:13 NIV By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear Hebrews 8:13 KJV In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away
  7. Victor1999


    The word Shaddai (often represented by just it's first letter ש) appears on most doorposts in the modern state of Israel and on other Jewish doorposts around the world. It is treated by modern Jews as an abbreviation: ש.ד.י שומר דלתות ישראל S.D.I Shomer Daltot Israel Guardian of Israel's Gates...
  8. Victor1999

    Generations between David and Jesus do not match

    Some people say that one of them is Mary's genealogy and the other is Joseph's. Others say that Matthew wrote the genealogies according to Jewish tradition where a child is counted through a deceased brother's name if he had no children rather than the true biological father.
  9. Victor1999


    Please stop talking about ashera, it is from the devil. Judges 3:7 The sons of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and forgot the LORD their God and served the Baals and the Asheroth 2 Kings 23:13 The high places which were before Jerusalem, which were on the right of the mount...
  10. Victor1999

    Hebrew the first language?

    It clearly says in Genesis 2:5 that there were no humans on earth to cultivate the soil before Adam was created. It is also written later that Eve would become the mother of all who live. If the incident at baby tower only confused their Hebrew, not created more languages, then Hebrew is the...
  11. Victor1999

    Am I too sensitive?

    People often say you're too sensitive to cover up and justify immoral behavior. If someone tells you you're too sensitive, they're probably just "too desensitized". The Bible calls it " a hardened heart". The more desensitized/harder someone gets the more they try to justify it. They are...
  12. Victor1999

    Help me

    In context, the religious leaders accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of an unclean spirit. These accusers believed what they said, and you do not. God knows our hearts and sees that you did not mean it. But even if you were truly damned forever, does that mean you stop trying to...
  13. Victor1999

    Vatican betraying Jesus

    If their worship of saints wasn't bad enough now we have this problem also. Last time I checked there was no saint or angel who approved of such things. Instead, when worshipped, they would tell them to stop and worship God alone. Even Jesus said that, when He was tempted in the desert: "worship...
  14. Victor1999

    Hebrew the first language?

    The angels have Hebrew names and people before the baby tower incident also have Hebrew names. I think it makes sense that Adam spoke to God in Hebrew and not in tongues as some suggest (he wouldn't understand what he was saying if he did that). That means that Hebrew is the language originally...
  15. Victor1999

    Luke 17 - Where are they taken?

    I always understood this chapter as speaking of Christ's return and that one will be accepted into God's kingdom and another won't. When asked "where", He told them a sign of His second coming.
  16. Victor1999

    How to act around friends

    Don't be afraid to make your commitment to God visible around people your age who are only interested in the things of this world. Jesus said that a light should not be covered with a basket but put in a visible place for all to see. Let people hate you for loving God, they hate you because you...
  17. Victor1999

    Web Based churches

    "For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the stedfastness of your faith in Christ." Col. 2:5 I think people should confess their sins and meet face-to-face otherwise they're still hiding in their comfort zones and not denying...
  18. Victor1999


    Me and some family members have decided to go to a Church next Sunday, and there are only two options. Catholic church and Russian Orthodox. I've only read about the early church in the Bible and don't know much about modern churches. How are we expected to behave in there and which option is...
  19. Victor1999

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    The Word of God has become a man and lived among us. HE IS THE LAW! And HE has given the HOLY SPIRIT to gentiles who did not keep or know the laws of the old covenant. If He approved of them then He will also approve of you if you live by faith.
  20. Victor1999

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    It's a life long process. We are infants in Christ and babies don't walk well either but are still encouraged to learn to walk. Our Father in Heaven also encourages us to learn to walk right with Him. Our weakness and stumblings are not an excuse to stop learning.