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  1. southernf

    Bill to Ban Transgenders in Girls Sports

    It is truly sickening. There are things I don't like about Trump but I don't see how any Christian can turn over power to liberals who believe in this stuff. The saddest thing to me as a mom is that it's happening right in the middle of my kids' childhood and I have to somehow explain that there...
  2. southernf

    Bill to Ban Transgenders in Girls Sports

    This is the kind of thing that really ticks me off and scares me. I feel cursed enough having to use a public restroom, but if more laws like this pass, it's just going to get creepier! That's why I think we have to take all this stuff so seriously. It's easy to laugh at the preferred pronoun...
  3. southernf

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Well I don't see a lot of men in my church stepping forward to teach the little ones, so if God wants us to wait on them to do that, we have a problem. lol
  4. southernf

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    It might be a little off topic, but I just wanted to say that even though the pastor is obviously an extremely important position in any church, there are SO many other opportunities for us (as women) to lead and teach. I know our church is always desperate for Sunday school teachers, especially...
  5. southernf

    Hi everyone

    Hi girl here. Married mom of 2 and follower of Christ. We live in the country and I've read these message boards for a while and finally decided to join. God bless!