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  1. southernf

    Some Views Have No Middle Ground

    So sorry...posted this in the wrong thread and I don't know how to delete it. o_O
  2. southernf

    Some Views Have No Middle Ground

    This thread seemed to have so much promise. :cry:
  3. southernf

    As a wife, which comes first, house holding or seeking God?..

    I've learned not to underestimate the male ego. :) I think even Christian men can see this the wrong way. But I think even if you explain your reasoning and he still doesn't seem to get it, then it could definitely be frustrating. The key is talking about it, which a lot of men dread. Patience...
  4. southernf

    As a wife, which comes first, house holding or seeking God?..

    One of the blessings that came out of covid last year for us is that when my husband had to be home all day from work, I think for the first time he saw not only what a typical day at home with kids can look like but also how it can really add up over time. After a few weeks I remember him...
  5. southernf

    How is loneliness while single different from loneliness in marriage?

    This is such an incredibly wise answer! And I think every single married person should read your example and think about that. I think even in marriages where the husband and wife are fulfilling their roles and taking care all of their family responsibilities, the enemy can sneak in and take...
  6. southernf

    Was the Garden of Eden, literally Heaven on Earth? Was the Earth already fallen except for the Garden?

    To me everything is perfectly clear in Genesis: 24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. 25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind...
  7. southernf

    Survey Poll: Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine

    I am the first to admit I am guessing because I feel like we just don't have all the answers. I am deeply grateful for all the smart people that work on these vaccines, but as you noted there are new technologies arising. Everything is happening so fast and that is what makes me worried...
  8. southernf

    Was the Garden of Eden, literally Heaven on Earth? Was the Earth already fallen except for the Garden?

    I have a hard time just calling Adam an "enlightened loving homo sapien" if it means he looked and acted just like whatever other creatures were around before him. I think whatever other creatures were around were just like other animals created by God even if they might look more like humans. I...
  9. southernf

    Bill to Ban Transgenders in Girls Sports

    I don't think it's off topic at all! Education is so important to us too. We make sure they get a strong Biblical education at home and in church, but I constantly worry about what they are hearing and seeing at school. You make a great point about a child not mentioning what they are hearing...
  10. southernf

    Survey Poll: Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine

    What really scares me is how quickly all these vaccines are suddenly available. It's like overnight they are just approving them like crazy, and it seems to be happening after the election. I just have a hard time believing things are all of a sudden safe so quickly once Biden got elected...
  11. southernf

    Survey Poll: Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine

    I tend to agree with you. I'm not a gambler either and would rather be safe than sorry. My husband is a lot more skeptical though and he changes my mind sometimes. There is just so much conflicting information it makes my head spin.
  12. southernf

    Let us Make Man in our Image, and after our Likeness

    Maybe just that a father wants his son to represent his best qualities?
  13. southernf

    Let us Make Man in our Image, and after our Likeness

    What I have always learned is that "image" and "likeness" meant God created man (Adam) to be His Godly representative on earth. God gave Adam authority over other living things on earth and was expected to carry out God's will on earth. I remember one of my Sunday school teachers saying it was...
  14. southernf

    Climate change

    This post made my day!
  15. southernf


    We all need support! Welcome and have a blessed day!
  16. southernf

    Survey Poll: Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine

    My worry is that if the virus changes after I get a vaccine it won't matter. I have gotten the flu vaccine plenty of times and they just say there is a new flu this year. lol. Not sure if it is better to just wait longer to get vaccinated or what.
  17. southernf

    Epidemic of childless and miserable 40+ women

    When we had our first child, my husband and I collectively made the decision for me to be a homemaker. I will be the first to admit there are long days some days when I find myself getting jealous of women who choose a career and seem to have more of a social life during the work day, but...
  18. southernf

    Bill to Ban Transgenders in Girls Sports

    It sounds like you have a great mom because you have such a good head on your shoulders! I love hearing that because it gives me hope that maybe I won't fail my kids! BLM is a whole other topic... my husband and I have talked about that one and other stuff like it a lot. It seems like everything...
  19. southernf

    Bill to Ban Transgenders in Girls Sports

    Well private school isn't an option for us, but I am absolutely all over what they are being taught! I would home school them if things got bad enough in public school, but I pray that never happens. Thankfully we live in a really conservative (i.e. sane) area and don't have to deal with a lot...
  20. southernf

    2Samuel 16 -- The Equality act and Ahithophel’s advice

    Thank you for sharing this. It is such a scary but important topic. I truly can't believe this is all happening. The election still feels like a bad dream but it is reality. :(