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  1. SilverFox7


    Yes, for me, whiskey certainly does "the job faster" if getting a buzz is the goal. It's really an acquired taste, and both Lisa and my family are social drinkers (yes, we cross the line at times...). I drink craft American beer brewed here in West Michigan. IPAs are my favorite--heavy on the...
  2. SilverFox7


    Great advice! As I've gotten older (in my 50s now), it's harder to keep the fat off. I've had to cut back on the starches and carbs, and I eat more whole grained breads and cereals. My biggest issue is alcohol. Even in moderation, it is probably my biggest adversary for weight gain. Beer is the...
  3. SilverFox7

    Your thoughts on jeans

    Nothing cooler and more comfortable than a good fitting pair of high-quality jeans!
  4. SilverFox7

    Got cancer, need prayer for healing

    Prayer is the answer. Our gracious Lord is there for us!
  5. SilverFox7

    Saudi Arabian Sports--Babylon at its Worst

    Where does it end? As much as I love sports, we have idolized and commercialized it. It's all about the bucks and power. We need to keep our roots in Christ and enjoy all of the blessings He provides for us, including sports.
  6. SilverFox7

    Saudi Arabian Sports--Babylon at its Worst

    Did anyone else see the 60 Minutes story last night about professional sports in Saudi Arabia (see link below). Quite troubling to say the least, and it's sad to see people like Phil Mikelson supporting and profiting from this...
  7. SilverFox7

    today is the holiday about Jesus's resurrections.

    One of my favorite days of the year for sure. Easter celebrates our ultimate hope as Christians--Jesus rising from the dead. The hope of the resurrection holds true for us as well!
  8. SilverFox7

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    Art explorers that which is beyond scientific understanding. Beautiful intersection of God's characteristics--order in the cosmos yet beauty as well! Hallelujah!
  9. SilverFox7

    Good Friday Reflections

    I think the Jewish festival at the time of Jesus' death was Passover and then The Days of Unleavened Bread. Firstfruits came ~50 days later and foreshadowed Pentecost (the coming of the Holy Spirit).
  10. SilverFox7

    Good Friday Reflections

    Awesome--the entry way veil into the Holy of Holies was "rent in twain" at Jesus' death. Through Him, we have access to the Father and throne room of the Awesome God who sits on the Mercy Seat. Prior to Jesus' death, only the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies of the temple, and that...
  11. SilverFox7

    Good Friday Reflections

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful posting. I'm sorry to say I never really thought about how Mary felt about the death of her beloved son until your reflections, and that thought carried over into the Good Friday services I attended tonight. The grief had to be beyond comprehension. To...
  12. SilverFox7

    Good Friday Reflections

    Jesus told His disciples on more than one occasion what was going to happen with His death and resurrection, but they just couldn't grasp it. All of their hopes were crushed when He died and was laid in the sepulcher. Sorrow and fear were certainly a couple of dominate emotions until He...
  13. SilverFox7

    Good Friday Reflections

    Good morning from Grand Rapids, Mi.! Good Friday for me is both a day of mourning and a day for rejoicing. I'm usually in a somber mood thinking about what Jesus went through for us, but I'm also so thankful for the redemption we have as a result. Have a great Easter weekend brethren! SF
  14. SilverFox7

    Baptism….. Dunk or dry-clean.

    Old man goes into the grave. New man immerses in the power of the Spirit and Jesus. Full immersion best symbolizes our transformation as God's children
  15. SilverFox7

    Baptism….. Dunk or dry-clean.

    Well, I've been sprinkled and dunked...more importantly baptized in fire by the Holy Spirit. Several means and perspectives as long as they lead to Jesus Christ our Lord!
  16. SilverFox7

    An Anxiety and worried Mind

    Despite our worries, sorrows, deepest laments and shortcomings, Jesus loves us. What a gift!
  17. SilverFox7

    How does a Christian keep the Sabbath Holy?

    Why would we want to live under the Old Covenant anymore? I tried that when I was a young Christian, and it was a heavy burden to say the least. I was in a continual state of frustration and depression because I could never meet the expectations. I have no problem looking at the Old Covenant...
  18. SilverFox7

    How does a Christian keep the Sabbath Holy?

    Jesus is our ultimate Sabbath rest for sure. Amen!
  19. SilverFox7

    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    Atonement = At One Ment. One with Jesus!
  20. SilverFox7

    Theories on the resurrection

    A profound resurrection story... Luke 24:13-35 New International Version On the Road to Emmaus 13 Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles[a] from Jerusalem. 14 They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. 15 As they...