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  1. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    To worship the true God, but in ignorance. We could rephrase that to To worship the true God, but not knowing about him. Acts 17: 23 For as I passed along, and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription: 'TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.' What therefore you worship...
  2. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Great! I was thinking of Christian peasants in the middle ages in Europe or even the Byzantine empire. The vast majority couldn't read or write, the Bibles in the area were not in their language, and they spent all day long working to provide basic necessities.
  3. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    In your view, then, the god that they have a zeal for back in verse 2, the god they really want to serve, is not the true God. Am I understanding what you're saying correctly?
  4. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    It's certainly a possibility! At the same time, look around here at CC, all the different interpretations of different Bible passages. And probably most people feel that they have been told the right one by the holy Spirit!
  5. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    The part about the body working as a whole is from the scriptures, Corinthians 12 comes to mind. But I wouldn't be surprised if Catholic leaders have expounded on the idea. Which group do you believe is the one group that God talks to? Or do you believe God has stopped talking to groups and now...
  6. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Or they are ignorant of the true God, is another possibility, imo.
  7. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Other Christians didn't have $50,000 copies of the Bible in their houses, as I understand it. Paper was expensive. Someone would have to pay your living expenses for the year or so that it would take you to copy it by hand. This assumes that you were able to read and write, which most people...
  8. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Are you honestly saying this? Romans 10: 3 For being ignorant of a false God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, they didn't subject themselves to the righteousness of a false God.
  9. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    No, that's not true. I don't express the entirety of all my opinions in each post! I think the Catholics encourage people to read the Bible. They just go on to say that if you think you found a new truth that no one had seen before, remember that you are part of a body, and the entire body...
  10. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Not at all! So if we think one passage contradicts another, then it's a good idea to reconsider our interpretations, imo!
  11. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Well, during most of the middle ages, public libraries like we think of did not exist in the Christian world, as I understand the situation.
  12. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Thanks for the answer, but that's not what I asked. Here is the question again, if you wish to answer: is Paul saying that they are taught by the God for which they have a zeal?
  13. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Well, since this passage talks about the Jews having a zeal for God, let's talk about that. So do you agree that in this verse both instances of God refer to the true God? Romans 10: 3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have...
  14. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Well, before the printing press, which was invented in the 1400s, I believe, Bibles were really expensive. In today's money, I think it would be about 50,000 USD!
  15. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Of course! but in matters that affect the entire church? Matters of teaching? Matters like who will be an apostle? Acts 1: 24 They prayed, and said, "You, Lord, who know the hearts of all men, show which one of these two you have chosen 25 to take part in this ministry and apostleship...
  16. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Yes, God wants people to worship him in spirit and in truth! But there are other verses in the Bible that talk about worshiping God in ignorance, aren't there? Not that those versus say that it's a good thing, or that it is something to be sought after, but it does talk about it, doesn't it?
  17. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Well, looking at those 3 verses Romans 10: 1 Brothers, my heart's desire and my prayer to God is for Israel, that they may be saved. 2 For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. 3 For being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to...
  18. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    That's true! At the same time, is it possible to worship the true God and reject Jesus at the same time? You cannot worship God in spirit and in truth and reject Jesus. But, imo, you can worship God in ignorance and reject Jesus at the same time. It is possible to worship the true God in...
  19. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Do you remember the story of the ancient Samaritans? How they worshipped both the true God and idols at the same time?
  20. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Also, is Paul saying that they are taught by the God for which they have a zeal? It sounds to me like Paula saying that they have a zeal for God, the true God, but they are ignorant of him!