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  1. Dan58

    Daughter rejected our dating values and our relationship is now strained

    I'd give her space, she obviously wants to make her own decisions without parental permission. Since she's on her own and paying her own way, there isn't much you can do. Its normal for young adults to go through a bit of a rebellious stage, hopefully she won't do anything stupid and is just...
  2. Dan58

    Why do marriages fail?

    Lots of reasons.. Its tough to commit to anything for a year, yet alone a life time. People grow apart, one may change and mature while the other doesn't. They get bored with one another.. Bad habits, infidelity, abuse, different interest, financial pressures, etc. One stays fit and healthy...
  3. Dan58

    Bible Doctrines

    Christ said he was the truth.. Just read, learn, and try to understand what he lived and taught.. The plethora of man-made doctrine, opinions, and religious malarkey is scary and inconsequential. Everyone is at different levels of understanding, spiritual maturity comes from studying, its a life...
  4. Dan58

    Does God create darkness and evil?

    Evil is the result of sin, disobedience is sin, and evil is the knowledge resulting from sin. So imo, yes, God created evil.. A tornado could be construed as evil, people who experience it would attest to it being a calamity. A disaster can't be described as good, things that bring pain...
  5. Dan58

    Are We Responsible For All The Sins We Commit?

    If your ignorant of something you don't know is sinful, maybe not? "Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34). I suppose we are accountable for doing what we know is wrong, but God may not hold us responsible until we have the knowledge of right from...
  6. Dan58

    Is there an area (or areas) of your life that you cling to as Your own?

    Off the top of my head, there are 3 or 4 things that I haven't turned over to Christ...Make that 5, I just thought of another... I'm not even sure what "given it over to Christ" means, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't want my bad habits or behavior. I'd imagine he would prefer that I handle and...
  7. Dan58

    What is your view on state lotteries?

    If I had won a state lottery, I'd wholeheartedly endorse them.. But since I haven't won and never will, I find them detestable.
  8. Dan58

    Does man have a libertarian free will?

    I did... I chose to believe, therefore it was my will to believe. If I chose not to believe, that would also be my will. "Whomsoever believeth" is a choice, its a decision everyone makes.. If belief is not an act of ones will, then John 3:16 is irrelevant , and no one should be held accountable...
  9. Dan58

    Does man have a libertarian free will?

    I disagree, faith is established and confirmed by works, "Faith without works is dead" (James 2:26).. Also read Hebrews 11, by faith Abraham did this, by faith Noah did that, etc. And belief is a choice, "whosoever believeth in him should not perish". So when one hears the gospel and chooses...
  10. Dan58

    Estimated Dates of the Events of the 1 Year Great Tribulation of the Earth

    We have a prophet among us :) I totally agree and am here to help... Please, everyone send all your money to me immediately and I'll dispose of it for you... No need to thank me, it would be my pleasure to relieve you of your $$$.. Your choice, heaven or filthy lucre, allow me to remove your...
  11. Dan58

    When Does a Persons Free-Will, to Choose to do Good Instead of Evil,

    It begins when we understand the difference between what's bad and whats good.
  12. Dan58

    Could use some help

    You don't need help, you nailed it......... Except I might add, repentance and forgiving others is also a prerequisite. "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your...
  13. Dan58

    Falling away

    "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition" (2 Thessalonians 2:3 )
  14. Dan58

    Jesus broke the law

    The old covenant had laws, statutes, and ordinances which dictated the outward adherence to sacrificial, dietary, social, marital, Sabbath days, ceremonial Temple rules, and the priesthood. But with the new covenant, Christ became our sabbath rest, our sacrifice, our high priest, etc. So many OT...
  15. Dan58

    Is God A Moral Monster?

    Monsters aren't moral.... 'Moral-Monster' is an oxymoron
  16. Dan58

    Need Relationship Advice, Please!

    No, your sweetheart doesn't owe you an apology. This is just a not so subtle way of telling you your a slob ;). I think they were probably expecting an apology from you? You could have at least put the milk back in the refrigerator so it wouldn't spoil.
  17. Dan58


    Work on changing whatever your husband doesn't like about how your acting.. It doesn't have to be the end of your marriage, you can change his mind by changing yourself. The fact that one or both of your parents were alcoholics shouldn't be altering how you behave now. You weren't specific about...
  18. Dan58

    Did God change from the Old Testament to the New Testament?

    No, God never changes... The new covenant just removed the curse of the law for believers who accept the Savior. But God's wrath will be poured out in judgement against all who reject Christ because his blood does not cover their sins.
  19. Dan58

    Is Jesus God the Father, in human form? Or is He something/someone else?

    Yes, Christ was the manifestation of God in the flesh. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us" (John 1; 1&14). Christ responded to the devils temptation with, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God"...
  20. Dan58

    Is Salvation by Jesus alone the only way to heaven?

    His sacrifice was to God for the remission of sin, but not his sin (he had none), but for all the sins of those who believed in him. And God through foreknowledge did not see that none would seek him, because many did and still do. Of course Muslims can convert, but my point was simply that all...