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  1. Dan58

    problems with sexual temptation, if someone is able to help me!!!

    You don't need to confess anything to us, confess to God and pray for the strength to overcome.. You never completely overcome the flesh since we can't escape it, we can only bring our flesh under subjection to the spirit. Lust begins with desires, don't look and you have nothing to desire. Its...
  2. Dan58

    Is Salvation by Jesus alone the only way to heaven?

    Muslims or any other belief system do not accept Christ as the Son of God.. Salvation comes only "through Jesus", so when a person rejects Christ as the only begotten Son of God, they also rejects his sacrifice, and there is no remission of sin except through Christ. Therefore, Muslims go to...
  3. Dan58

    Is Salvation by Jesus alone the only way to heaven?

    This may be the only thread I've seen where everyone is essentially in complete agreement (according to the poll).
  4. Dan58

    Is Salvation by Jesus alone the only way to heaven?

    Simply stated, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6) So your aunt is solely mistaken, salvation comes only through Christ, there is no other. 'Faith' that redemption can also come from other gods is heresy and...
  5. Dan58

    Need advice/help on this topic

    Just let Ella know that you like her and let her decide.. She may not even be interested in you or Jack. If she were going with someone, I'd respect that and not interfere, but if she's free and unattached, go ahead and show some interest. You can probably tell if she's interested in you just by...
  6. Dan58

    Strange question: Family curse?

    Its really not too unusual, more people are choosing not to have families these days, and the ones who do are waiting longer and are having fewer kids. I think the biggest reason is affordability, but some just don't want to bring kids into this crazy world.. But as someone once told me; "If you...
  7. Dan58

    Is it healthy to feel this way?

    Your partly correct, people generally react to the shallow description of yourself and outward appearance. They only get to know the deeper side of your personality later, that's what dating is for. All you can do is make yourself available and project a positive attitude. Most singles are...
  8. Dan58

    people i am the real deal

    How do you "see" the "spirits" of the Lord with your own eyes when His Spirit is not visible? And everyone has the authority to speak, but you told us nothing of any 'great wonders & miracles'? Me thinks your smoking some good stuff? :)
  9. Dan58

    Am I too sensitive?

    That's understandable.. While he appreciates short shorts, he doesn't want other men appreciating his wife in skimpy cloths. As far as the "your not sexy" comment, I'm guessing it was more about performance than appearance. Your probably over analyzing his snide remarks, no need to be...
  10. Dan58

    Unbelieving Spouse

    Your husband hasn't changed, you have. He's still the same man you married.. Alcohol is a barbiturate, which is a depressant and not a stimulant, that's probably why the longer term effects of drinking has turned your husband from a happy drunk into a depressed one. Its a crutch that helps him...
  11. Dan58

    Are you happy with who you are right now?

    I asked God to make me smarter... His reply; I can do miracles, but your asking the impossible :) I doubt anyone is happy with who they are now, but we can certainly be content with what we're destined to be.
  12. Dan58

    The Jefferson Bible.

    The miracles were confirmation of the Truth, removing them from the gospels turns the Truth into a philosophy. Jefferson in effect edited the inspired Word of God and then concluded Christ was not the Son of God. Obviously, we can't make the gospels uncomplicated by removing parts of them, and...
  13. Dan58

    Cheated and feeling unloved

    Your husband had an affair and now questions whether your love for him is sincere or just for show? That's rich... Sounds like emotional blackmail. He's deflecting his own insecurities onto you, he's the cheat who needs to work on his relationship, not you. Be sure to tell him that fixing his...
  14. Dan58

    Why is it wrong to be a workaholic?

    Nothing wrong with working hard, in fact the bible encourages it. When Peter told Jesus that he had fished all night and caught nothing, Jesus told him to go back to work. (Luke 5:4)
  15. Dan58

    Private Female and Men's Forums

    I suppose there are women who are just more comfortable conversing with other women, or perhaps they are just misandrist? But I reckon they just want other women's opinion on certain subjects like motherhood, marital problems, or other more private female situations that men don't relate to very...
  16. Dan58

    When you've done something wrong and you can't shake that feeling

    Everyone does things wrong, we're all screw-ups to one degree or another. You don't forget it, you learn from it. And if you can correct it, you correct your errors.. If its not correctable, you put it behind you and move on. Feelings of guilt is what our accuser wants, because those feelings...
  17. Dan58

    Profecies and Foretelling

    Over the past 20 years, church attendance is down; "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition" (2 Thessalonians 2:3)
  18. Dan58

    till death do us part...BUT divorce is unacceptable??

    Can't help but wonder why you didn't notice that this person didn't accept you, love you, or care about you premarriage? Most marriages can get chaotic, but if the love is gone or never existed in the first place, I'd get out before starting a family. Next time, get to know someone prior to...
  19. Dan58

    What's are the "don'ts" of a first date?

    I've never did any of the things listed, but the women usually asked me about all that stuff anyway (money, past relationships, politics, religion, etc). I answer everything because you got to figure they'll find out eventually. And most of it is important to know, you can't distinguish between...
  20. Dan58

    God is?

    God is spirit and His Spirit transcends all creation. God is that He is, there's not a locality that he's isolated or restricted to. We don't know 'where' his heavenly kingdom is, but it can be in a parallel dimension or plane not visible to this material/physical world? "For behold, the...